


Galaxy Note 3 and Note 4 Are Twice as Strong, 300% Safer Than iPhone 6 Plus

iPhone 6 Users Bent, Apple Stock Crushed: In the wake of Apple’s very own Bendghazi style cover-up to hide just how inferior iPhone has become in today’s post Steve Jobs Smartphone world – New test by Consumer Reports give iPhone 6 users something to really get bent over. Compression machine tests performed by Consumer Reports […]

iPhone 6 SAR Nearly Exceeds Legal Radiation Limits for Simultaneous Rating

Apple’s iPhone 6 Plus is bigger, but bigger is absolutely no excuse for Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) radiation exposure levels that are only .01 under the FCC’s legal limit of 1.6 watts per kilogram (W/kg). It’s easy to dismiss Apple’s new iPhone 6 Plus as merely catching up to Android in size, but Apple is […]

smartphone radiation kills sperm

Bendghazi Style Cover-up Apple Blames Bent iPhones On Youtubers BendGate Video

Are news reports that the iPhone 6 is prone to bending actually a plot orchestrated by mainstream media?  That’s what Apple rumors are starting to say about the original video that broke the BendGate story. Apple’s publicist want you to believe the Smartphone designer is merely the patsy in a wider conspiracy to defame the […]

iDon'tcare Tim Cook is Gay, Apple's iOriginal Sin is Denying High Radiation

iDon’tcare Tim Cook is Gay, Apple’s iOriginal Sin Is Being In Denial

Right now, I am in a cynical moment; and I am thinking that Apple will get some positive press for this “heroic” bs move by the chairman, instead of the coverage it has been getting of the rather unimpressive iOS 8 software and iPhone 6 Plus hardware which is only .01 under legal limits set for […]

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