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How Do RF Safe Flip Cover Radiation Shields Work? – Technology Review

1. Materials Used for Shielding Electromagnetic Radiation 1(a) RF Shielded fabric is made from polyester filaments woven with a blend of micro-fine conductive threads.  The  shielding fabric is than combined with a proprietary layer of CR foam rubber designed to keep your phones display screen looking like new while deflecting potentially harmful radiation away. 1(b) […]


Cell Phone Radiation Right-To-Know Ordinance Unanimously Passes In Berkeley CA

DID YOU KNOW? The Federal Communication Commission recommends keeping your cell phone 5 to 25 millimeters away from your body, depending on the model, to limit radio frequency exposure to safe levels. A new law in USA will require this WARNING on cell phones: “If you carry or use your phone in a pants or […]

A Natural/Balanced Antenna Design for Cell Phone Radiation Safety

A Natural/Balanced Approach for Cell Phone Radiation Safety The below video depicts interference of visible RF waves “light” and “microwave radiation” used in today’s 2015 modern wireless devices, such as Smartphones that use non-visible RF waves “Micro-waves”. The only difference between visible light waves and microwaves are their wavelengths. Microwaves used for wireless communication have […]

Wireless Radiation From Tablet PC Could Be Harming Kids Health Researchers Say

They are being embraced by educators as important learning tools, but some health experts are warning that tablets and smartphones can have harmful health effects, especially on young, developing children. Dr. Devra Davis, President of Environmental Health Trust, says microwave radiation from the devices pose significant risks to children. “The radiation from a cellphone, which […]

Conflict Of Interest

CDC Avoids Panic Over Cell Phone Radiation Warnings – Protects Profits NOT People

The American people need to pay attention to blatant violations of ethics and corruption in government. Now, some are back stepping at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and an internal feud is building.  This isn’t just about an edit on the CDC’s website, it gets much deeper than that.  Absolute despotism […]

children cell phone radiation warning

Study: Children Have Higher Health Risk Associated From Cell Phone Radiation

The potential harm from cell phone radiation given off by wireless devices, particularly for children and unborn babies, is the highlight of a new review. Although the data are conflicting, links between cell phone radiation and cancer have been observed. The review, by L. Lloyd Morgan, senior science fellow at Environmental Health Trust, and colleagues, was published […]

Frank Clegg- CEO of Canadians for Safe Technology C4ST

Former President of Microsoft Canada Advocates for Wireless Radiation Safety

The former longtime president of Microsoft Canada is now a leading advocate for wireless radiation safety. High tech leader Frank Clegg is co-founder and now CEO of a new non-profit organization, Canadians for Safe Technology (,– recently he talked about peer-reviewed scientific research ignored by Health Canada in their review of Safety Code 6.  The […]


No Air-flow Reason Behind Samsung Cell Phone Fire Under Kids Pillow

Here’s another reason, besides RF radiation, that you shouldn’t allow your kids to sleep with their cell phones at night. There is more outrage in the news over fine print warnings about cell phone hazards that you’ve most likely never seen. “If anything, they should put a big warning on it, like a cigarette label, […]

Royal Decree Prohibits Selling Children Under 7 Cell Phones Amid Radiation Concerns

A Royal Decree is showing the world that America is lagging far behind with respect to establishing proper safety regulations to protect its population (especially young children) from a greedy monolithic wireless industry. Click here to see just how bad America has lost the checks and balances between the government agencies design to protect the […]

New Study Shows Brain Neurodegeneration from Exposure to Cell Phone Radiation

On May 26, 2014 The Neurological Research Journal, an international, peer-reviewed journal for reporting both basic and clinical research in the fields of neurosurgery, neurology, neuroengineering and neurosciences published research proving cell phone radiation does cause brain damage. The current study led by Maheep Bhatnagar and colleagues in suggests long-term use of a cell phone […]

Facts about Cell Phone Radiation Hazards

Some facts you need to know about cell phone radiation hazards! Click Here for Full Video Galley on Cell Phone Radiation Hazards FACT: World Health Organization Warning Neurosurgeon Keith Black discusses concerns and precautions of cell phone radiation exposure after the World Health Organization’s panel of 31 scientists reported that cell phones are “possibly carcinogenic” […]

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