

President Trump: One Executive Order to Give America’s Children a Chance at Health

Mr. President, you have the power to undo one of the greatest failures in modern American history. By signing a single executive order to repeal Section 704 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996, you can give American children a real chance at health—and restore constitutional freedoms to the American people.

In 1996, the Clinton administration made a disastrous decision. Section 704 silenced communities, gagged parents, and forced outdated, industry-created safety standards on every American. This unconstitutional law has allowed cell towers to sprout within feet of schools, daycares, and playgrounds—despite overwhelming evidence of harm.

But you, Mr. President, can fix this. By removing this law and mandating a reevaluation of the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) thermal-only safety guidelines, you can pave the way for a healthier, safer America—starting with our children.

The stakes could not be higher. American children cannot get healthier while living under a radiation regime designed to protect corporations, not people. Repealing Section 704 would be a bold, historic move—one that ensures future generations are no longer shackled to the mistakes of the past.

The 1996 Disaster: Section 704 and FCC Guidelines

When President Clinton signed the Telecommunications Act of 1996, the public was promised connectivity, innovation, and progress. What they weren’t told was that Section 704 would strip communities of their right to protect themselves from cell towers—and enforce unscientific safety standards that ignore the real risks of wireless radiation.

Section 704: The Law That Silenced America

Section 704 prohibits local governments from rejecting cell tower applications based on health concerns. Its consequences have been catastrophic:

  • Parents gagged: Families cannot raise health concerns about towers near schools or homes, even with credible scientific evidence of harm.
  • Communities powerless: Local governments are forced to approve towers regardless of their proximity to sensitive areas like schools and daycares.
  • Corporate profits prioritized: Section 704 shields the telecom industry from accountability while leaving children exposed to unchecked radiation.

This law is not just bad policy—it is unconstitutional. It violates the First Amendment by silencing public discourse on health risks and the Tenth Amendment by stripping states and communities of their authority to protect public welfare.

“Section 704 handed control of our neighborhoods to the telecom industry. It told parents, teachers, and communities: ‘Your voice doesn’t matter.’ That is not the America we know, and it must change.”
—John Coates, Founder of RF Safe

The FCC’s Flawed Safety Standards: Built to Serve Industry, Not People

At the same time Section 704 became law, the FCC adopted thermal-only safety guidelines based on Specific Absorption Rate (SAR)—a measure of how much radiation the body absorbs. These guidelines were created not by independent scientists or doctors but by industry-friendly engineers whose goal was to ensure the rapid rollout of wireless technology.

Key Flaws in the FCC’s Guidelines

  1. Thermal-only focus: The guidelines assume harm only occurs if RF radiation heats tissue, ignoring decades of evidence of non-thermal biological effects like DNA damage, oxidative stress, and neurological disruption.
  2. Outdated science: The standards are based on 1960s military research focused on preventing thermal burns—not long-term health risks.
  3. Unrealistic testing: SAR limits are tested under controlled lab conditions that don’t reflect real-world use, like carrying phones in pockets or holding them against the head.

The FCC’s reliance on SAR leaves Americans unprotected from the real risks of chronic, low-level RF exposure. Worse, these standards haven’t been meaningfully updated in nearly three decades, despite mounting scientific evidence.

“These safety standards were designed to protect wireless profits, not human health. They were wrong in 1996, and they are even more wrong today.”
—Dr. Henry Lai, University of Washington

The Health Crisis Facing America’s Children

The failures of Section 704 and the FCC’s guidelines are directly tied to the sharp rise in neurological disorders among children. Rates of autism, ADHD, and other developmental disorders have skyrocketed since the late 1990s—and the timeline aligns disturbingly with the explosion of wireless technology and microwave radiation exposure.

The Evidence of Harm

  • Autism Rates: Autism diagnoses have risen from 1 in 150 children in 1992 to 1 in 36 by 2012.
  • ADHD Rates: ADHD diagnoses have more than doubled, now affecting over 6 million children in the U.S.

While these conditions are multifactorial, research strongly suggests that RF radiation exposure may be a significant contributing factor.

Key Studies

  1. Yale Mouse Study: Pregnant mice exposed to cellphone radiation gave birth to offspring with hyperactivity, memory deficits, and ADHD-like symptoms.
  2. Dr. Martin Pall’s Research: RF radiation activates voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs) in cells, leading to oxidative stress, inflammation, and disruption of neural circuits—factors linked to autism and ADHD.
  3. BioInitiative Report: This landmark analysis of over 1,800 studies documents non-thermal effects of RF radiation, including DNA damage, immune disruption, and neurological impacts.

Cell Towers Near Schools: An Unacceptable Risk

Children are uniquely vulnerable to RF radiation due to their developing brains, thinner skulls, and longer cumulative exposure. Yet Section 704 ensures that cell towers are placed within feet of schools, leaving parents powerless to stop it.

For example, John Coates’s daughter attends a school just 465 feet from a cell tower—a distance that defies the BioInitiative Report’s recommendation of keeping towers at least 1,500 feet away.

“My daughter’s school sits 465 feet from a cell tower, and I can’t even mention health risks in a public hearing. That’s the America Section 704 created. President Trump, we need your help to fix it.”
—John Coates

President Trump: The Most Important Executive Order

Mr. President, you have the power to undo the damage caused by Section 704 and give America’s children a chance at health. By signing an executive order, you can:

  1. Repeal Section 704 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
  2. Replace the FCC’s thermal-only guidelines with science-based standards created by independent doctors and scientists.
  3. Launch a full investigation into why Public Law 90-602 has not been enforced.
  4. Mandate protective measures for schools: Keep cell towers at least 1,500 feet away from schools, daycares, and playgrounds.

This is not just about correcting past mistakes. It’s about protecting future generations from an epidemic of avoidable health issues. American children deserve to grow up free from unnecessary exposure to radiation, and their parents deserve the right to protect them.

Conclusion: A Call to Action

Mr. President, the failures of 1996 were a betrayal of the American people. Section 704 silenced communities, outdated FCC guidelines endangered children, and Public Law 90-602 was ignored. But you can change this. By signing an executive order to repeal Section 704 and replace the FCC’s flawed safety standards, you can pave the way for a healthier, freer America.

“American children cannot become healthier while cell towers stand just feet from their schools. Repealing this one unconstitutional law will give them a fighting chance.”

This is the moment to act. For our children. For the Constitution. For the future.

How You Can Help

  1. Call on President Trump: Write, call, or email the White House to demand this executive order.
  2. Raise Awareness: Share this article and educate others about the dangers of Section 704 and outdated RF safety standards.
  3. Support Independent Research: Donate to organizations like the Environmental Health Trust.


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