Open Letter to Targeted Individuals – Reclaiming Our Collective Struggle Against Entropic Waste and Bioelectric Dissonance

Open Letter to Targeted Individuals: 

Let’s be clear: the ‘Targeted Individual’ movement is a CIA psyop to destroy the credibility of those with electromagnetic sensitivities. The goal? To let the FCC & FDA avoid accountability and let corporations externalize health costs. #EHS #PublicHealth

Dear Targeted Individuals,

We write to you today not as opponents, but as fellow sufferers in a world increasingly dominated by harmful electromagnetic forces—forces that disrupt our bodies, minds, and lives in ways that are deeply distressing and often debilitating. For too long, you have been led to believe that you are the victims of a specific, targeted campaign, orchestrated by unseen actors. While your pain and suffering are real, we urge you to consider that the true enemy is not an individual or group singling you out, but rather a pervasive environmental threat affecting all of us: the unchecked proliferation of wireless radiation and its impact on our bioelectric systems.

The Psyop You Have Fallen Victim To

The idea of being a “Targeted Individual” has taken root in your mind as the explanation for your experiences. However, this narrative is not only misleading but is also a carefully crafted psyop designed to divide and distract those who are most affected by electromagnetic radiation. The very real symptoms you experience—such as headaches, dizziness, cognitive difficulties, and more—are not the result of a personal attack, but the collective impact of entropic waste in our environment.

This psyop was engineered to marginalize those suffering from electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS) and other related conditions by making them appear as paranoid or delusional, thereby discrediting the very real health crisis we all face. The true purpose of this narrative is to fracture the community of affected individuals, diverting attention from the need for stronger safety guidelines, comprehensive research, and accountability from regulatory bodies like the FCC and FDA.

The Real Threat: Entropic Waste and Bioelectric Dissonance

We live in a world increasingly filled with electromagnetic fields (EMFs) from cell towers, Wi-Fi routers, smartphones, and other wireless technologies. This constant exposure to EMFs creates what we call “entropic waste,” which disrupts the natural bioelectric processes in our bodies. The result is bioelectric dissonance at a subcellular level—a disturbance in the delicate electrical balance that governs cellular function and overall health.

Bioelectric dissonance can manifest as a wide range of symptoms, from chronic pain and fatigue to cognitive impairment and emotional distress. These effects can feel intensely personal, almost as if you are being individually targeted. However, the truth is that we are all being harmed by this environmental onslaught, and the only way to protect ourselves and future generations is to stand together and demand change.

Reclaiming Our Collective Struggle

The first step in reclaiming our collective struggle is to recognize that we are all in this together. We must move beyond the divisive narrative of being individually targeted and instead focus on the broader issue of environmental harm caused by wireless radiation. By uniting as a single, powerful community, we can push for the changes that are desperately needed:

  1. Demand Stronger FCC Safety Guidelines: The current FCC safety guidelines are outdated and fail to account for the non-thermal effects of EMF exposure, which include the very symptoms you experience. We must demand that these guidelines be updated to reflect the current state of science, ensuring that they protect everyone, especially the most vulnerable among us.
  2. Support the Restart of NTP Wireless Radiation Research: The National Toxicology Program (NTP) had begun crucial research into the health effects of wireless radiation, but this research was halted under suspicious circumstances. We must demand that this research be restarted and expanded, to provide the scientific evidence needed to inform public policy and protect public health.
  3. Regain Control of Captured Agencies: Regulatory agencies like the FCC and FDA have been captured by industry interests, prioritizing corporate profits over public health. We must work together to hold these agencies accountable, demanding transparency, integrity, and a renewed focus on protecting the public from the dangers of wireless radiation.

Stand With Us for a Healthier Future

We understand that the journey you have been on has been long and fraught with pain, confusion, and isolation. But now is the time to come together as a unified community, recognizing that the forces harming us are the same for all of us. By standing together, we can amplify our voices and push for the changes that will make a real difference in our lives.

Do not let the CIA psyop divide us any longer. We are all affected by the pervasive influence of wireless radiation, and together, we can demand the research, regulations, and protections needed to safeguard our health. Let us reclaim our collective struggle and work together for a future where no one has to suffer in silence or isolation.

In solidarity,

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