Qualified Brands: QuantaCase, RF Safe The RF Safe Manufacturing Association (“RSMA” or the “Association”) has adopted the following Code of Ethics to promote the highest ethical and moral standards of professional conduct in the wireless industry. Each member of the Association agrees to abide by this Code of Ethics as a condition of membership in […]
Press Releases
Court orders Italian govt to publicize cellphone risks
ROME — A consumers’ group says an Italian tribunal has ordered a public information campaign about the possible health risks of cellular and cordless phones. The Lazio region’s administrative tribunal ruled that Italy’s health, environment, and education ministries must begin the campaign within six months about the phones’ proper use. Consumer advocacy group A.P.P.L.E. had […]

Family Cell Phone Radiation Protection Plan – RF Safe SCP (Safe Cell Phone) System
New studies prove cell phone radiation can damage DNA at below accepted FCC safety standards confirming link between microwave exposure and potential cancer. RF Safe offers the world’s best solutions for cell phone radiation safety in a system for safe cell phone usage -The SCP (Safe Cell Phone) System. RF Safe’s founder John Coates […]

Scientists End 13 Year Debate Proving Non-ionizing RF Microwave Effect Causes Cell Phone Radiation DNA Damage
The prevailing view that non-ionizing cell phone radiation can not cause DNA damage was first challenged academically with a theory Penn State published titled, DNA and the Microwave Effect, January 20, 2001. New studies on (ROS) Oxygen Species Production and RF, proves Penn State theory correct and cell phone radiation does cause DNA damage in […]

Cell Phones Don’t Cause Cancer, Says Pulitzer Prize Winning Cancer Doctor – Health Experts Issue Rebuttals in Protest
RF Safe is joined by a growing number of respected doctors and scientists in speaking out to correct recent comments made by Dr.Siddhartha Mukherjee claiming cell phones do not cause cancer. San Francisco, CA (PRWEB) April 24, 2014 RF SAFE, the world’s premier provider of cell phone radiation protection accessories and informational data is concerned […]
92% Sure: Cell Phone Radiation Cancer Potential Found in 76 of 80 Studies Peer Reviewed
BREAKING NEWS 4/20/14 Scientists find cell phone radiation exposure creates cellular imbalances known to cause cancer in 92% of peer reviewed studies on ROS (Reactive Oxygen Species). RF Safe suggest precautionary measures to reduce excessive RF exposure even at athermic levels. According to RF Safe, Scientists confirm non-ionizing cell phone radiation and ionizing UV radiation […]

Overpowered: Hazards of Cell Phone EMF Exposure and Reducing Health Risk from Cell Phone Radiation
According to RF Safe, cell phone radiation health hazards are well documented in a new book by Martin Blank, PhD titled, “Overpowered: What Science Tells Us About the Dangers of Cell Phones and Other Wifi-age Devices.” RF Safe suggests enhancing measures of the precautionary approach by utilizing cell phone radiation safety accessories often overlooked by […]

Worried About Cell Phone Radiation Cancer? Flip Cover Shields RF Radiation
New York, NY April 12, 2014 RF Safe Corporation announces a new proprietary shielding technology designed to combat the potential dangers of cell phone radiation exposure. The new process reduces the thickness of Peel-n-Shield™ to only 1mm for shielding flip cases with small tolerances between flip cover and phone. Radiation shielded foam liners for smartphone […]

New Anti-Radiation Cell Phone Case with Peel-n-Shield™ Flip Cover Shield for Maximum Cell Phone Radiation Protection
RF Safe’s protective cell phone radiation case is the only case in the world using Peel n Shield technology to shield the entire front flip cover of the case in order to maintain a barrier that deflects microwave radiation between the user and smartphone at all times, either in use or carried in a pocket […]

Pink Cell Phone Radiation Shields for Breast Cancer Awareness Month 2014 Fundraisers
RF Safe’s pink cell phone radiation shields are great for supporting fundraising events for breast cancer awareness. Doctors say keeping cell phones tucked in bras possibly causes breast cancer in young women. RF Safe claims a research team, led by Dr. Lisa Bailey, and one of California’s top breast surgeons, studied four young women – […]
Don’t ignore the dangers of cell phone radiation – Phone Danger and Health Warnings.
RF Safe calls for consumers to show support for Senate Bill 2571 SD1, requiring cell phone radiation warning labels on smartphones. Improper use can cause unsafe levels of radiation exposure under FCC guidelines – The fine print warnings the wireless industry doesn’t want consumers to see. John Coates, RF Safe Founder, says “Every now and […]

Peel n Shield™ D-I-Y Cell Phone Radiation Shields
RF Safe, Manufacturer of Peel n Shield™ the only adhesive foam designed to shield cell phone radiation while adding extra protection for expensive wireless devices – Expands product line for do-it-yourself (DIY) cell phone radiation shields. As the world’s only producer of consumer ready adhesive foam RF shielding materials in colored sheets, RF Safe […]

Hawaii Senator Calls for Cell Phone Radiation Warning Labels on Cell Phones
According to RF Safe, Hawaii could be first state to require by law that consumers are made aware of potentially dangerous cell phone radiation emissions from wireless devices with cell phone radiation warning labels. According to RF Safe, Hawaii could be first state to require by law that consumers are made aware of potentially dangerous […]
Ferrite Beads Reduce Cell Phone Radiation Health Hazards From Wired Hands-free Headsets
RF Safe has a simple clip-on device under $4.00 to reduce cell phone radiation from wired headsets that help people safely comply with laws in most states in America which require a headset or other hands-free device while driving and talking on a phone. RF Safe has posted on its website a list of states […]
Brain Tumors – Does Cell Phone Radiation Cause Brain Cancer?
Brain Tumors are now the leading cancer that causes death in children and the rate adults are getting brain tumors on the same side of the head as their mobile is held now has many questioning cell phone radiation safety. Could cell phone radiation from towers, wifi and wireless hand-held devices be responsible for a […]

Stylish iPhone and Samsung Flip Cases That Shield Harmful Cell Phone Radiation
RF Safe is teaming up with a global OEM phone case manufacture to mass produce incorporating cell phone radiation protection into the latest Smartphone flip cover cell phone case styles Palo Alto, California (PRWEB) February 10, 2014 The lasting effects of cell phone radiation on our bodies is still unclear. Scientific studies and anecdotal evidence […]

RF Safe Launches Samsung Smartphone Flip Cases To Shield Cell Phone Radiation
New Samsung Galaxy S4 Flip-cases are shielded with ultra light space-age radio frequency radiation shielding fabric that protects users from cell phone radiation. RF Safe is proud to announce the launch of an exciting new custom RF Shielding service for Samsung cell phone users worried about cell phone radiation exposure. Samsung Smartphone users now have […]

RF Safe Cell Phone Radiation Shields Prevent Fetal Radiation Exposure
RF Safe cell phone radiation protection designed in fashionable pink intends to protect unborn babies from exposure to cell phone radiation. Cambridge, Massachusetts (PRWEB) January 06, 2014 According to RF Safe, women with cell phones today have much to worry about if two areas of women’s health turn out to be affected by cell phone […]

RF Safe Launches Social Deal Savings On Smartphone Radiation Safety Accessories
RF Safe offers instant social share coupon savings on the fastest-trending cell phone accessories on the market. It only takes one click to save money on the best cell phone radiation safety accessories. Silicon Valley, California (PRWEB) January 04, 2014 RF Safe, the world’s premier provider of cell phone radiation protection accessories and informational data, […]
RF Safe Air-Tube Headset For iPhones and Samsung Smartphones
New RF Safe hands-free headset brings live acoustic sound to iPhone and Samsung smartphones users worried about cell phone radiation exposure. Palo Alto, CA (PRWEB) January 02, 2014 RF Safe is celebrating the beginning of its 16th year of helping cell phone users live both happier and healthier lives with radiation safe, live acoustic sound […]

RF Safe Cell Phone Radiation Shield, Ferrite Bead and Air-tube Headsets Reduce Smartphone Radiation Risk
Amid concerns raised over cell phone health hazards, RF Safe launches New Year’s Eve “National Awareness Campaign” for cell phone accessory package that shields cell phone radiation. San Francisco, CA December 31, 2013 RF Safe, the world leaders in cell phone radiation safety have launched a national campaign on New Year’s Eve 2013 in order […]

RF Safe Reminds Parents That Radiation from Cell Phones is Possibly Carcinogenic for Children
RF Safe announces concerns over millions of children using smart phones around the world without understanding the health risk of cancer from exposure to cell phone radiation. Palo Alto, CA (PRWEB) December 27, 2013 RF Safe is concerned that the general public is not aware of the potential health hazards from exposure to cell phone […]

RF Safe New Year’s Resolutions – Lower Potential Health Risk From Cell Phone Radiation Exposure
Start the New Year off healthy by taking the necessary steps to limit risk from cell phone radiation exposure. RF Safe wants cell phone users to make it their new year’s resolution to protect themselves and love-ones from potentially hazardous microwave radiation. Palo Alto, CA (PRWEB) December 23, 2013 Healthy habits are on everyone’s top […]

RF Safe Sees Hyper Growth In Protection From Potential Cell Phone Radiation Hazards
An internet-based company founded 18 years ago to protect from dangerous non-ionizing levels of microwave radiation proves to be the leader of a growing industry. The small company started in Aspen, Colorado, focused on radio frequency radiation safety back when there were only 33 million cell phones in the USA – where today, their market […]