

The Wireless Deception: How One Law Corrupted Safety, Sparked Chronic Disease, and How We Can Fix It

Compiled Final Text (Dates: January 30, 2025 – February 4, 2025)

By John Coates, Founder of RF Safe


  1. Introduction: Section 704—A Gag Order on Health Concerns
  2. The FCC’s 1996 Thermal-Only Guidelines: Obsolete from the Start
  3. Public Law 90-602: The Mandate the Government Ignores
  4. The Explosion of Wireless and Chronic Disease
  5. Children at Highest Risk
  6. Regulatory Capture: A Systemic Problem
  7. Solutions Already Exist: Safe, Modern Alternatives
  8. Repealing Section 704: Restoring Rights, Driving Innovation
  9. Why Section 704 Affects Everyone—Not Just Those Near a Cell Tower
  10. My Personal Story: Losing a Child to RF Radiation
  11. A National Call to Action: #TrumpRepeal704
  12. Additional Sections & Evidence
  • Wi-Fi Reproductive Health Study
  • The WHO’s Flawed Cell Phone Radiation Study
  • Industry’s $25 Million Buried Study
  • The Suppression of Early Warnings (GWEN and Other Research)
  1. Conclusion: A Path Forward for America

1. Introduction: Section 704—A Gag Order on Health Concerns

Date: January 30, 2025

In 1996, buried within the Telecommunications Act, a small but powerful provision—Section 704—reshaped wireless infrastructure across the United States. Sold to the public as a tool for streamlining digital progress, it effectively stripped local communities of the right to object to cell towers on the basis of health concerns.

Why It’s Unconstitutional

  • First Amendment: Section 704 gags citizens from bringing up health data in local zoning or permit hearings.
  • Tenth Amendment: It removes local governmental authority to protect residents from potential RF radiation hazards.

As a result, telecom companies have been free to place towers near homes, schools, and playgrounds without legal recourse for those who worry about wireless radiation. The public remains mostly uninformed about the non-thermal biological harm that goes unaddressed under outdated, thermal-only FCC guidelines.

2. The FCC’s 1996 Thermal-Only Guidelines: Obsolete from the Start

Passed the same year as Section 704, the FCC’s current RF exposure standards:

  • Focus solely on heating (thermal) effects of RF radiation.
  • Are based on 1980s radar data, ignoring thousands of studies showing non-thermal effects like DNA damage, oxidative stress, and neurological impacts.

Key Evidence

  • National Toxicology Program (NTP) Study (2018): Found “clear evidence” of cancer risk in animals exposed to RF radiation below current FCC limits.
  • Ramazzini Institute and BioInitiative Report: Corroborate findings of DNA breaks, oxidative stress, and tumor growth at non-thermal levels.

Despite scientific rebukes and a federal court ruling in 2021 that the FCC failed to consider non-thermal studies, the thermal-only guidelines remain, shielded by Section 704.

3. Public Law 90-602: The Mandate the Government Ignores

Public Law 90-602, also known as the Radiation Control for Health and Safety Act (1968), mandates ongoing research into radiation-emitting devices (including RF) and continuous updates to safety standards. Agencies like the FDA, FCC, and EPA are supposed to:

  1. Enforce modern safety standards that reflect new scientific evidence.
  2. Fund and expand research (like the $30 million NTP study).
  3. Uphold regulations that protect the public based on current science.

Yet the EPA’s RF research was defunded, and the FCC ignored court orders to modernize guidelines, directly violating Public Law 90-602.

4. The Explosion of Wireless and Chronic Disease


  • 1996: Section 704 passes.
  • Late 1990s–2000s: Rapid expansion of cell towers and Wi-Fi.
  • 2000s–Present: Near-constant exposure from 3G, 4G, 5G devices.

Simultaneously, the U.S. sees a steep rise in:

  • Autism spectrum disorders
  • ADHD
  • Metabolic syndrome
  • Neurological diseases
  • Fertility issues
  • Certain cancers

While correlation does not guarantee causation, the timing aligns suspiciously with the ubiquitous increase in RF exposure—and thousands of studies now point to biologically plausible RF harm.

5. Children at Highest Risk

Kids absorb more radiation due to their thinner skulls and still-developing physiology. Their longer lifetime exposure heightens the cumulative effect. It is common sense to keep powerful transmitters away from schools, yet Section 704 prevents citing health data to block these towers.

Real-World Tragedy: Many families have experienced serious health effects they believe are related to RF exposure, yet find themselves legally powerless under Section 704 to prevent new towers near their children’s schools.

6. Regulatory Capture: A Systemic Problem

  • Industry Influence: Telecom companies aggressively lobbied for Section 704; many former telecom executives hold key positions in the FCC.
  • Suppression of Independent Science: Funded studies designed to show “no effect” overshadow independent research documenting harm.
  • Global Agencies: Even the WHO acknowledges RF radiation is “possibly carcinogenic” (Group 2B), yet has not upgraded it despite mounting evidence—pointing to political and financial pressures.

When an agency meant to protect public health operates under industry influence, the result is a consensus shaped by profit rather than true scientific consensus.

7. Solutions Already Exist: Safe, Modern Alternatives

Contrary to popular belief, we do not need continuous microwave radiation for connectivity. Safer technologies include:

  • LiFi (Light-Based Wireless)
    • No harmful RF radiation.
    • Potentially faster speeds, enhanced security.
  • Space-Based Telecom (Satellite Internet)
    • Reduces ground-level radiation by delivering coverage from satellites.
  • Beamforming & Interferometric Antennas
    • Direct RF waves away from the user, lowering exposure significantly.
  • Shielded Buildings
    • Materials that block or reduce RF fields, particularly in schools.

The problem is industry has no incentive to upgrade. Section 704 locks in the status quo and regulators refuse to enforce safer standards.

8. Repealing Section 704: Restoring Rights, Driving Innovation

Section 704 is the central obstacle preventing local communities from addressing health concerns:

  1. Repeal Section 704 of the Telecommunications Act.
  2. Restore the Constitution: Reinstate the First Amendment right to discuss health issues and the Tenth Amendment right of local governance.
  3. Enforce Public Law 90-602: Demand the FCC, FDA, and EPA immediately review and update RF safety standards using modern science.
  4. Adopt Non-Thermal RF Guidelines: Set new safety limits accounting for cumulative, non-thermal biological effects—especially for children.
  5. Foster Safe Tech: Incentivize LiFi, satellite-based solutions, beamforming, and keep towers away from schools.

A presidential signature could repeal Section 704 and dramatically shift the wireless landscape, spurring genuine innovation and restoring the public’s right to protect itself.

9. Why Section 704 Affects Everyone—Not Just Those Near a Cell Tower

Date: January 30, 2025

Many wrongly believe Section 704 only matters if a tower appears near their home. In reality, it silences all health discussions about wireless infrastructure everywhere. If you:

  • Use Wi-Fi at home or in an office
  • Carry a smartphone
  • Live or work near any cell site

…you are impacted by regulations frozen in 1996. By blocking health-based challenges, Section 704 keeps Americans in the dark and hamstrings local officials.

10. My Personal Story: Losing a Child to RF Radiation

February 3, 2025

“I lost my first-born daughter, Angel Leigh Coates, to a neural tube disorder that I believe was caused by her mother’s workplace RF exposure. Two years later, a study connected RF radiation to a 300% increase in neural tube defects. By the time the risk was publicly acknowledged, it was too late for my daughter.”

Today, my only living child—a seven-year-old—sits in a classroom just 465 feet from a cell tower. Section 704 ensures I have no legal way to prevent or remove that tower. This isn’t just my fight; it’s every parent’s fight for their child’s safety.

11. A National Call to Action: #TrumpRepeal704

Only a president can reverse the unconstitutional gag order established by Bill Clinton in 1996. If President Donald Trump truly wants to “Make America Great Again,” he must also “Make America Safe Again”—especially for our children.

Our Demands

  1. Repeal Section 704 via Executive Order.
  2. Enforce Public Law 90-602: Fund comprehensive RF research.
  3. Overhaul FCC RF Guidelines: Adopt biologically based, non-thermal limits.
  4. Institute Safe Tech: Push LiFi, satellite solutions, and safer antenna designs.
  5. Protect Children: Move cell towers at least 1,500 feet from schools.

Hashtag: #TrumpRepeal704. Use it to raise awareness and pressure the administration to act.

12. Additional Sections & Evidence

12.1. Consequences of Wi-Fi: A Scientific Examination of RF Radiation and Male Reproductive Health

February 4, 2025
A recent study (Jamaludin et al., 2025) found that 2.45 GHz Wi-Fi exposure significantly harms sperm health, increases oxidative stress, and damages testicular tissue. This aligns with earlier findings (NTP, Ramazzini) linking RF radiation to:

  • Male infertility
  • DNA damage
  • Endocrine disruption

12.2. The WHO’s Flawed Cell Phone Radiation Study

February 4, 2025
A WHO review by Karipidis et al. (2024) downplayed cell phone cancer risks by excluding long-term studies and relying on industry-funded research. Experts like Dr. John Frank have called this “scientific fraud,” pointing to landmark government studies (NTP, Ramazzini) that found clear evidence of carcinogenicity.

12.3. Industry’s $25 Million Buried Study

In the 1990s, the CTIA (Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association) funded a $25 million research program led by Dr. George Carlo to prove cell phones safe. Instead, it found evidence of:

  • DNA damage
  • Higher brain tumor risks

The wireless industry promptly buried these results, discredited Dr. Carlo, and lobbied for the thermal-only FCC standards we still have today.

12.4. The Suppression of Early Warnings (GWEN and Other Research)

Prior to 1996, government-funded research (e.g., GWEN studies) already suggested:

  • Neurological disruption (calcium ion signaling, neurotransmitters)
  • Immune suppression
  • Cancer co-promotion

Despite these early warnings, the FCC in 1996 ignored non-thermal biological harm, finalizing exposure limits that only protect against heating.

13. Conclusion: A Path Forward for America

For nearly three decades, Section 704 has silenced public discourse, crippled local governance, and thwarted scientific oversight, leaving Americans at the mercy of outdated, thermal-only limits on wireless radiation. The consequences are visible in our chronic disease epidemic, rising neurological disorders, and plummeting fertility.

The solution is clear:

  1. Repeal Section 704 to restore constitutional rights.
  2. Uphold Public Law 90-602 to demand modern RF research and real safety standards.
  3. Adopt next-generation, safer technologies to ensure connectivity without sacrificing public health.

It will take a presidential act to undo the damage. If the White House fails to act, the cycle of deception, disease, and denial will continue—while the health of millions, especially children, remains at grave risk.

Take Action

  • Use #TrumpRepeal704 to rally public awareness.
  • Contact your representatives to demand the repeal of Section 704.
  • Share the science on social media, in community forums, and public hearings.
  • Adopt Precautionary Measures now (wired connections, reduced device usage, shielding) to minimize exposure.

“Mr. President, one signature can change history. Repeal Section 704. Restore the Constitution. Protect America’s children. The science is clear—now it’s time the law catches up.”

Key Takeaways in Brief

  1. Section 704 prohibits health-based challenges to cell towers—violating First and Tenth Amendments.
  2. FCC Guidelines ignore non-thermal risks (DNA damage, neurological harm, fertility issues).
  3. Public Law 90-602 demands continuous research and updated safety standards—agencies have failed to comply.
  4. Chronic Disease Rates soared alongside the unchecked expansion of wireless infrastructure.
  5. Children are especially vulnerable to RF radiation.
  6. Safer Technologies (LiFi, satellite, beamforming) exist—there is no need to rely on outdated, hazardous microwave transmission.
  7. Repeal Section 704 to restore local authority, constitutional rights, and modernize safety standards.
  8. A President must sign the repeal—RFK Jr. (as HHS Secretary) can’t do it alone.
  9. #TrumpRepeal704 is the movement to demand immediate action.

Prepared By:
John Coates, Founder, RF Safe
(Dedicated to the memory of my daughter, Angel Leigh Coates.)

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