

The FCC is Breaking the Law: Corporate Interests Over American Health

In a shocking revelation, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has blatantly disregarded federal law and court orders, prioritizing corporate interests over the health and well-being of the American people. This blog uncovers the FCC’s failure to update RF radiation safety guidelines despite overwhelming scientific evidence and legal mandates, exacerbating chronic diseases and perpetuating corporate capture. It’s time to expose the truth and demand accountability.

The FCC’s Betrayal of Public Trust

For decades, the FCC has been the regulatory body entrusted with safeguarding American public health against the potential hazards of wireless radiation. However, recent actions and inactions reveal a disturbing trend: the FCC is breaking the law by neglecting its duty to protect citizens, all while advancing corporate interests that jeopardize public health. This blog delves into how the FCC’s regulatory capture has led to the misclassification of RF radiation risks, the consequent rise in chronic diseases, and the blatant favoritism shown to billionaires and corporate moguls over the average American.

The Misclassification of RF Radiation Risks: A Policy Crisis

Settling the Scientific Debate

Recent scientific studies have conclusively settled the long-standing debate over the dangers of radiofrequency (RF) radiation emitted by cell phones, Wi-Fi, and other wireless devices. The National Toxicology Program (NTP), one of the most comprehensive studies on this topic, found clear evidence linking RF radiation to cancer, including malignant brain tumors known as gliomas and heart tumors called schwannomas in animal studies.

Key Studies:

  • National Toxicology Program (NTP) Study: Found significant increases in heart schwannomas and brain gliomas in exposed rats.
  • Ramazzini Institute (RI) Study: Mirrored the NTP’s findings, showing increased tumor incidences at lower exposure levels comparable to cell tower emissions.
  • Genetic Profiling (2024): Linked animal tumor data to human cancers, strengthening the relevance of these findings for public health.

Legal Mandates Ignored

In 2021, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit ruled that the FCC had failed to provide a reasoned explanation for its determination that existing RF radiation guidelines were adequate. The court found that the FCC did not adequately consider non-thermal biological effects, which are now well-documented.

Despite this clear directive, the FCC has refused to update its safety guidelines, continuing to rely on outdated standards from the 1990s that only consider thermal effects—heating of tissues—while ignoring the significant non-thermal biological impacts that have been proven by recent studies.

Regulatory Capture: Corporate Interests Over Public Health

The Corporate Capture of the FCC

Regulatory capture occurs when a regulatory agency acts in the interest of the industry it is supposed to regulate, rather than the public. The FCC is no exception. Over the years, industry insiders have held key positions within the FCC, leading to policies that favor corporate profits over public safety.

Example of Regulatory Capture:

  • Tom Wheeler’s Tenure: Appointed by the Obama administration, Tom Wheeler, former head of the CTIA (a major telecommunications lobbying group), served as FCC Chairman from 2013 to 2017. Under his leadership, the FCC failed to update RF radiation guidelines, maintaining outdated safety standards despite new scientific evidence.

Recent FCC Decisions Favoring Corporations

A recent decision by the FCC further exemplifies this trend. The Commission approved a Soros-backed group’s purchase of over 200 radio stations across more than 40 markets without following the required legal procedures. This unprecedented move underscores the FCC’s willingness to prioritize corporate acquisitions over regulatory integrity and public interest.

Details of the Decision:

  • Case: In the Matter of Audacy License, LLC, as Debtor-in-Possession (Assignor) and Audacy License, LLC (Assignee) Application for Consent to Assignment of Licenses.
  • Outcome: FCC approved the transfer of broadcast licenses without adhering to federal law requirements, highlighting blatant disregard for legal protocols.

This decision not only disrupts the competitive landscape of the media industry but also raises serious questions about the FCC’s commitment to its regulatory responsibilities.

The Human Cost: Exacerbating Chronic Diseases

Increasing Health Risks

The FCC’s failure to update safety guidelines has serious implications for public health. Misclassification of RF radiation risks has led to continued exposure without adequate protection, contributing to the rise in chronic diseases.

Health Implications:

  • Cancer: Increased rates of gliomas and schwannomas linked to prolonged RF radiation exposure.
  • Neurological Disorders: Higher incidences of headaches, memory loss, and cognitive impairments.
  • Reproductive Health Issues: Reduced sperm count and motility, leading to infertility.
  • Sleep Disturbances: Disruptions in sleep patterns due to cellular dysfunction.

Stories of Suffering: Catherine Crews

Take the heartbreaking story of Catherine Crews, a terminal cancer patient whose illness is believed to be linked to environmental factors, including RF radiation exposure. Catherine cast what may have been her final vote for Kamala Harris, unaware that her choice supported a political figure whose administration has allowed corporate interests to sideline critical cancer research and maintain outdated public health regulations.

Catherine’s Story:

  • Diagnosis: Rare, aggressive cancer in the head and neck area.
  • Link to RF Radiation: Environmental exposure from wireless devices may have contributed to her condition.
  • Political Impact: Voting for Harris meant endorsing policies that have failed to protect her and others from RF radiation risks.

The Halted Research: Leaving America Vulnerable

Stopping the NTP’s Critical Work

Under the Biden-Harris administration, funding for the National Toxicology Program (NTP) was abruptly halted. This decision has left a dangerous void in our understanding of RF radiation’s impact on human health. Without continued research, policymakers lack the necessary data to update safety guidelines and protect the public effectively.

Implications of Halted Research:

  • Incomplete Data: Lack of long-term studies to fully understand RF radiation’s health effects.
  • Policy Blindness: Inability to create informed public health policies based on comprehensive scientific evidence.
  • Increased Risks: Continued exposure without understanding the full scope of health impacts, especially for vulnerable populations like children.

Expert Voices Against the Halt

Expert Insight:

“By halting this research, we’re essentially flying blind. We need long-term data to inform safety standards and public health policies. Without it, we can’t adequately protect the public.”

The cessation of the NTP’s research not only undermines public health but also stalls potential medical advancements that could mitigate the risks of RF radiation exposure.

Democratic Voters Suffering from Stockholm Syndrome: Hostages of Corporate Capture

The Psychological Trap

In recent years, policies have increasingly favored corporate profits over the well-being of the American people. This dynamic has created a psychological phenomenon akin to Stockholm Syndrome, where voters, including those suffering from health crises potentially linked to RF radiation, continue to support politicians who uphold policies detrimental to their health.

Stockholm Syndrome Analogy:

  • Hostages: Voters affected by chronic illnesses.
  • Captors: Politicians and regulatory bodies influenced by corporate interests.
  • Outcome: Voters defend and support the very policies that may have contributed to their suffering, unaware of the manipulation at play.

The Story of Catherine Crews: A Modern Tragedy

Catherine Crews’ vote for Kamala Harris symbolizes this tragic scenario. Despite her likely links between her cancer and RF radiation exposure, she supported an administration that has neglected public health in favor of corporate gains. This pattern reflects a broader issue where individuals become unwitting allies of the systems that harm them.

The Democratic Party’s Role: Perpetuating Harm Through Corporate Capture

Prioritizing Profits Over People

While the Democratic Party is often viewed as a champion of social issues, its actions in the realm of RF radiation safety reveal a different story. The party has allowed corporate capture to thrive, particularly within the FCC, resulting in policies that favor industry profits over public health.

Key Failures:

  • Ignoring Court Orders: The FCC has not updated safety guidelines despite the 2021 court ruling.
  • Halting Critical Research: Funding for the NTP was cut, hindering vital research into RF radiation’s health impacts.
  • Promoting Corporate Interests: Appointing industry lobbyists like Tom Wheeler as FCC Chairman ensures that corporate interests dictate regulatory policies.

The Impact on Public Health

The Democratic Party’s failure to act on RF radiation risks has left millions exposed to potential health hazards. This neglect not only endangers the current population but also jeopardizes the health of future generations who will face even greater cumulative exposure to wireless radiation.

RF Safe’s Mission: Protecting Our Future

The Foundation of RF Safe

RF Safe was established by John Coates in memory of his daughter, Angel Leigh Coates (1995-95), who suffered from EMF-related health issues. RF Safe is dedicated to raising awareness about the health risks of electromagnetic radiation and advocating for updated safety guidelines to protect public health.

Founder’s Insight:

“ was created in dedication to Angel, a tragedy of EMFs, to perpetuate her innocent love and purpose on earth. Now, she is a true angel in heaven—I feel she guides me closer to understanding. I must be thankful for my daughter’s memory and thank God for giving me a part in His divine plan.”
— John Coates, RF Safe’s Founder

Key Objectives

  1. Update FCC Safety Guidelines: Advocate for the incorporation of non-thermal effects in safety standards.
  2. Restart NTP Cancer Research: Demand the restoration of funding for critical RF radiation studies.
  3. End FCC Regulatory Capture: Ensure that the FCC operates transparently and prioritizes public health over corporate profits.

Candidate Stances: Kamala Harris, Donald Trump, and Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Kamala Harris: Corporate Capture and Health Neglect

Under the Biden-Harris administration, the FCC has continued to uphold outdated safety guidelines and halted critical RF radiation research. Despite court rulings demanding an update, Harris’s administration has remained passive, allowing corporate interests to override public health needs.

Key Points:

  • Failure to Update Guidelines: The FCC maintains 1990s safety standards despite new scientific evidence.
  • Halting NTP Research: The NTP’s critical cancer research was defunded, leaving policy decisions without essential data.
  • Corporate Favoritism: Appointments like Tom Wheeler have ensured that the FCC remains aligned with industry interests.

Impact: Harris’s policies have left millions, including vulnerable children, exposed to harmful RF radiation without adequate protection.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: A Champion for Public Health

In stark contrast, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has been a vocal advocate for RF radiation safety. His 2021 lawsuit against the FCC resulted in a court ruling that the agency failed to justify its outdated safety standards. Kennedy continues to push for updated guidelines and increased funding for independent research.

Key Achievements:

  • Legal Victory: Successfully challenged the FCC’s refusal to update RF radiation guidelines.
  • Public Awareness: Actively raises awareness about the health risks of RF radiation.
  • Policy Proposals: Advocates for comprehensive safety standards and restoration of NTP research funding.

Impact: A vote for Kennedy is a vote for updated safety standards and a government committed to public health over corporate profits.

Donald Trump: A Shift in Perspective

Donald Trump initially appointed FCC officials who favored corporate interests but has since acknowledged the need for better RF radiation safety measures. Through discussions with Kennedy, Trump has pledged to make RF radiation safety a key issue in his 2024 campaign.

Key Commitments:

  • Restoring NTP Funding: Plans to reinstate funding for the NTP’s RF radiation research.
  • Overhauling the FCC: Promises to break the telecommunications industry’s hold on regulatory policy.
  • Prioritizing Public Health: Acknowledges the need for updated safety guidelines based on current scientific evidence.

Impact: Trump represents a potential bipartisan approach to addressing RF radiation risks, aligning regulatory policies with scientific findings.

The Misclassification of RF Radiation Risks: Beyond Thermal Effects

Understanding Non-Thermal Biological Effects

Current FCC safety guidelines focus solely on the thermal effects of RF radiation, ignoring the substantial evidence of non-thermal biological impacts. These include:

  • DNA Damage: RF radiation can cause DNA strand breaks and mutations.
  • Oxidative Stress: Increased production of reactive oxygen species leads to cellular damage.
  • Cellular Dysfunction: Disruption of cellular signaling and repair mechanisms.
  • Blood-Brain Barrier Permeability: Potential for harmful substances to enter brain tissue.

Consequences of Misclassification

Public Health Risks:

  • Increased Cancer Rates: Continued exposure without adequate protection leads to higher incidences of brain and heart tumors.
  • Neurological Disorders: Rise in conditions like ADHD, autism, and cognitive impairments linked to RF radiation.
  • Reproductive Health Issues: Declining fertility rates due to reduced sperm quality and motility.

Hindered Medical Advances:

  • Stalled Research: Misclassification limits funding for critical studies, preventing a full understanding of RF radiation’s health impacts.
  • Missed Therapeutic Potential: Potential medical uses of RF radiation, such as targeted cancer therapies, remain underexplored.

Environmental Impact:

  • Wildlife Disruption: RF radiation affects wildlife, disrupting natural electromagnetic environments crucial for animal navigation and communication.

The Road Ahead: From Science to Policy

Updating Safety Guidelines

Regulatory bodies must revise safety guidelines to incorporate both thermal and non-thermal effects of RF radiation. This involves:

  • Comprehensive Reviews: Conduct thorough evaluations of existing research and integrate new findings into safety standards.
  • Protecting Vulnerable Populations: Implement stricter guidelines for children and pregnant women, who are more susceptible to RF radiation.

Restoring and Supporting Research

  • Reinstate NTP Funding: Ensure continuous funding for the NTP’s critical research on RF radiation’s health effects.
  • Encourage Independent Studies: Promote research free from corporate influence to obtain unbiased data on RF radiation risks.

Combating Regulatory Capture

  • Increase Transparency: Ensure that regulatory agencies operate openly and are accountable to the public, not industry.
  • Separate Industry and Regulation: Prevent conflicts of interest by banning industry lobbyists from holding key regulatory positions.

Take Action Now: Protecting Our Health and Future

How You Can Help

  1. Contact Elected Officials: Reach out to your representatives and demand action on updating RF radiation safety guidelines and restoring research funding.
  2. Spread Awareness: Share credible information about the health risks of RF radiation and the need for regulatory reform.
  3. Support Legislation: Advocate for laws that mandate lower radiation emissions and promote safer technology development.
  4. Practice Safe Technology Use: Reduce personal exposure by using wired connections, limiting cell phone use, and keeping devices away from your body.

Join the Movement

RF Safe is committed to protecting public health by addressing the critical issues surrounding RF radiation exposure. Join us in our mission to advocate for updated safety guidelines, support essential research, and hold regulatory bodies accountable.

Conclusion: The FCC’s Legal and Ethical Failures

The FCC’s refusal to update RF radiation safety guidelines despite overwhelming scientific evidence and clear legal mandates is a blatant violation of federal law and a profound ethical failure. This misclassification of RF radiation risks has allowed corporate interests to flourish at the expense of public health, exacerbating chronic diseases and endangering future generations.

Final Thoughts:

  • Policy Over Science: Effective policy is essential to implement changes that protect public health based on comprehensive scientific evidence.
  • Global Legislative Action: Governments worldwide must enforce legislation that limits cell phone radiation and ensures safe wireless technology deployment.
  • Protecting Future Generations: Immediate action is necessary to prevent further health risks and ensure a safe electromagnetic environment for future generations.

Your Vote Matters: As we approach Election Day 2024, your vote is a powerful tool to demand accountability and prioritize public health over corporate profits. Don’t let corporate capture continue to endanger lives. Vote for leaders who will stand up against regulatory capture and protect the well-being of the American people.


  1. National Toxicology Program (NTP). (2018). Toxicology and Carcinogenesis Studies of Cell Phone Radiofrequency Radiation. Retrieved from NTP Website
  2. Falcioni, L., et al. (2018). Report of Final Results Regarding Brain and Heart Tumors in Sprague-Dawley Rats Exposed to Mobile Phone Radiofrequency Field. Environmental Research, 165, 496-503.
  3. United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. (2021). Environmental Health Trust et al. v. FCC. Case No. 20-1025.
  4. Hardell, L., & Carlberg, M. (2015). Mobile Phone and Cordless Phone Use and the Risk for Glioma. Pathophysiology, 22(1), 1-13.
  5. TheraBionic GmbH. TheraBionic P1: Innovative Cancer Therapy. Retrieved from TheraBionic Website
  6. Federal Communications Commission (FCC). (2024). Memorandum Opinion and Order: In the Matter of Audacy License, LLC. Retrieved from FCC Website
  7. International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). (2011). IARC Classifies Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields as Possibly Carcinogenic to Humans. Press Release No. 208.
  8. World Health Organization (WHO). (2014). Electromagnetic Fields and Public Health: Mobile Phones. Retrieved from WHO Website

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Is RF radiation from cell phones and wireless devices harmful?

Recent studies, including those by the National Toxicology Program and the Ramazzini Institute, have shown that prolonged exposure to RF radiation can lead to cancer and other health issues, even at levels considered safe by current guidelines.

2. Why haven’t safety guidelines been updated?

Regulatory agencies like the FCC have been criticized for failing to update safety guidelines due to corporate influence and reliance on outdated science that focuses only on thermal effects of RF radiation.

3. What can I do to protect myself and my family?

  • Use wired connections when possible.
  • Limit cell phone use and keep devices away from your body.
  • Use speakerphone or headphones to minimize direct exposure.
  • Turn off wireless functions when not in use.

4. How can I advocate for change?

  • Contact your elected officials to express your concerns.
  • Support organizations and candidates that prioritize public health.
  • Share information to raise awareness about the issue.

5. Is this issue more important than global warming?

While both are critical environmental concerns, the immediate and pervasive nature of RF radiation exposure, coupled with the lack of regulatory action, makes it an urgent public health crisis that demands immediate attention.

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