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Diabetes Cell Phone Radiation Study

In this case, the study considered cell phone base stations, or cell phone towers, in residential settings. In this video, we’ll be looking at how the use of cell phones, specifically the cell tower base stations, is being associated with Diabetes Mellitus (Diabetes)In a report posted on the U.S. National Library of Medicine, a study […]


Blood-Brain Barrier Cell Phone Radiation Study

In this video, we’ll be looking at how the use of cell phones is being associated with damage to the Blood/Brain Barrier This is another in a series of short videos where I’ll be sharing links to numerous scientific studies showing a great number of human health issues that are being linked to cell phone […]


Arthritis Cell Phone Radiation Study

In this video, we’ll be looking at how the use of cell phones is being associated with Arthritis. This is another in a series of short videos where I’ll be sharing links to numerous scientific studies showing a great number of human health issues that are being linked to cell phone use. Are we raising […]


ADHD Cell Phone Radiation Study

In this video, we’ll be looking at how the use of cell phones is being associated with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD. In a report from the Journal of the American Medical Association, a study was done to determine if frequent use of modern digital media platforms such as social media was associated with the occurrence […]


Spontaneous Abortion Cell Phone Radiation Risk

In a report filed on the U.S. National Laboratory of Medicine website, a case control study was performed using 292 women who had experienced unexplained spontaneous abortion at less than 14 weeks of gestation and 308 pregnant women who were at 14 weeks gestation. For the consideration of cell phone effects, the study measured the average calling time […]

Asthma Cell Phone Radiation Study

In a report on the respected WebMD website, it was stated that a possible link to asthma from cell phone use has been found. Researchers asked pregnant women who were members of the Kaiser Permanente Northern California health plan to wear magnetic field sensors around their waists for 24 hours. The sensors took readings every […]

Anxiety Cell Phone Radiation Study

Due to their wide-spread availability, cell phones have become a necessity, something most of us cannot do without. But recent studies have shown that the use of cell phones has been associated with many negative effects related to the nervous system, such as headaches, neurovegetative dystonia, irritability, sleep disorders, fatigue, and dizziness. The nervous system […]

Alzheimers Cell Phone Radiation Study

The introduction of cell phones, Wi-Fi, satellite and wireless communications and the microwave oven have had a significant impact on daily life. However, there are growing concerns regarding the potential health risks associated with increased, frequency, modulation frequency and duration of microwave exposure and particularly, the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease, an incurable and debilitating […]

Acoustic Neuroma Cell Phone Radiation Study

  The rapid increase in cell phone use during the last decade has raised many safety concerns. In particular, the risk for vestibular schwannoma is associated with mobile phone use because the acoustic nerve tissue is a sound perception organ and is located close to where people hold their mobile phones during use. A few […]


Nokia Says Microsoft Must Handle Cell Phone Radiation Health Concerns

Nokia spokesperson Maija Taimi said that Microsoft has acquired mobile device business of Nokia and therefore handsets related queries should be sent to them, including those related to the biological safety of Nokia’s Smartphone devices. That’s the response reporters have received which are inquiring about Microsoft/Nokia’s selective funding of cell phone radiation exposure research. This […]


Cell Phone Radiation Awareness Campaign: Oman Case Study

Cell Phone Radiation Awareness Campaign: Oman Case Study Osmen & Saar. Awareness Campaign Against Cell Phone Radiation Hazard: Case Study Oman. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences. 9 October 2015, 9: 381-386. The fast spread of mobile phone usage is a subject of several polemics in terms of adverse health effect such as cancers, headaches […]

Right to Know about cell phone radiation

Wall Street Journal Reports On Berkeley Cell Phone Radiation Ordinance

Berkeley’s Cell Phone Ordinance If you haven’t already heard Berkeley, California is in court defending it’s unanimous decision 0-9 which passed an ordinance warning cell phone users that wireless radiation from smartphones, in a pocket or bra, could be very harmful to them, and potentially more harmful to our children as many studies have suggested. Of […]

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