


Diabetes Cell Phone Radiation Study

In this case, the study considered cell phone base stations, or cell phone towers, in residential settings.

In this video, we’ll be looking at how the use of cell phones, specifically the cell tower base stations, is being associated with Diabetes Mellitus (Diabetes)
In a report posted on the U.S. National Library of Medicine, a study was done to determine if cell phone radiation from cell tower base stations was linked to the development of Diabetes.

The study aimed to determine the association of exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic field radiation generated by cell tower base stations with higher A1c measurements and the occurrence of type 2 diabetes mellitus. A1c is commonly used as a marker of hyperglycemia and an increased A1c measurement has been regarded as an independent and reliable marker for diabetes mellitus.

For this study, two different elementary schools were selected. A total of 159 students were recruited for the study. Cell phone tower base stations existed about 600 feet away from the school buildings, and the students were being exposed for 6 hours per day, 5 days per week.

In the interest of fairness and accuracy, students with known cases of gross anemia, blood diseases, history of blood transfusion, personal or family history of known diabetes mellitus, as well as students who suffered from marked obesity, asthma, and students who smoked tobacco were excluded from the study.

Moreover, students who were living (residence) close to the any high transmission lines or cell phone tower base stations and students who frequently consumed fast food and excess sweet diet were also excluded from the study. They also excluded the students who were athletes or performed regular vigorous exercise.

The findings of the study showed that the students who were exposed to high Radio-Frequency Electromagnetic Field Radiation had significantly higher A1c than the students who were exposed to low Radio-Frequency Electromagnetic Field Radiation. Moreover, students who were exposed to high Radio-Frequency Electromagnetic Field Radiation generated by cell tower base stations had a significantly higher proportion of diabetes mellitus relative to the students who were exposed to low Radio-Frequency Electromagnetic Field Radiation.

If you would like to examine the report for yourself, I have included a link to it below. Many more informative links are available in the report itself.
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