

RF Safe: A Mission to Protect Our Future from Wireless Radiation Hazards

As the countdown to Election Day 2024 begins, a critical movement is gaining momentum—a movement dedicated to safeguarding public health and ensuring the well-being of future generations. Welcome to RF Safe, an organization that has been at the forefront of advocating for safer wireless technology since the 1990s. With recent scientific studies confirming the harmful effects of radiofrequency (RF) radiation, RF Safe is calling for decisive action to protect our children and communities.

The Urgent Need for Action

36 Days Until Election Day 2024

The upcoming election presents a pivotal opportunity to influence policy on issues that have been overlooked for too long. RF Safe emphasizes that this is not a partisan matter but a public health crisis that demands immediate attention.

Recent scientific studies have settled the debate over cell phone radiation hazards: RF radiation is harmful. The National Toxicology Program (NTP), in one of the most comprehensive studies on this topic, found clear evidence linking RF radiation to cancer. The study revealed the development of malignant brain tumors known as gliomas and heart tumors called schwannomas in animal models.

Expert Insight:

“The NTP study demonstrated that prolonged exposure to RF radiation can lead to DNA damage and oxidative stress, which are precursors to cancer. These findings are particularly concerning for vulnerable populations like children, whose developing brains and thinner skulls make them more susceptible.”

Children absorb more radiation than adults, and their longer lifetime exposure compounds the risks. It’s not just about cancer; non-thermal effects like DNA strand breaks and cellular dysfunction have been linked to infertility, neurological disorders, and sleep disturbances.

RF Safe’s Mission: Protecting Future Generations

Founded by John Coates, RF Safe was established not as a commercial enterprise but as a platform to raise awareness about electromagnetic field (EMF) exposure. The organization is dedicated to educating the public on how to reduce risks through practical measures and advocating for updated safety guidelines that reflect current scientific understanding.

John Coates shares:

“ was created in dedication to my daughter, Angel, a tragedy of EMFs, to forever perpetuate her innocent love and purpose on earth. Now, she is a true angel in heaven—I feel she guides me closer to understanding. I must also be thankful for my daughter’s memory and thank God for giving me a part in His divine plan.”

Candidate Stances: Know Where They Stand

Understanding where candidates stand on RF-EMF safety and research is vital for voters concerned about public health and technological advancement. RF Safe is compiling information on the positions of key candidates:

  • Kamala Harris
  • Donald Trump
  • Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

These candidates’ stances on issues like updating FCC safety guidelines, FCC reform, and support for scientific research are critical for the health of our children.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s Advocacy:

RFK Jr. has been a vocal advocate for raising awareness about the potential health risks associated with cell phone radiation, especially for children. He emphasizes the need for updated safety guidelines and comprehensive research into the long-term effects of RF radiation exposure.

RF Safe encourages voters to directly ask candidates about their plans to address these urgent matters.

Key Issues: RF Safe’s Three-Step Action Plan

1. Update FCC Safety Guidelines: Embrace Modern Science

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) continues to rely on outdated safety guidelines established in the 1990s, which only consider the thermal effects of RF-EMF. Recent peer-reviewed studies have conclusively demonstrated that non-thermal biological effects pose significant health risks.

Why This Matters:

  • National Toxicology Program Findings: The NTP study found clear evidence linking RF radiation to cancer, including gliomas and schwannomas.
  • Vulnerable Populations: Children are more susceptible due to thinner skulls and developing tissues.
  • Non-Thermal Effects: Low levels of RF radiation can lead to DNA damage, oxidative stress, and disruptions in cellular repair mechanisms.

Our Demand:

The FCC must immediately update its safety guidelines to reflect current scientific understanding, incorporating both thermal and non-thermal effects to adequately protect public health.

2. Restart National Toxicology Program (NTP) Cancer Research

The NTP’s groundbreaking research on RF radiation was abruptly halted, leaving a dangerous void in understanding RF radiation’s impact on human health.

Why This Matters:

  • Clear Evidence of Carcinogenic Effects: Both the NTP and the Ramazzini Institute found increased tumor incidence in the brain and heart.
  • Health Policy Impact: Halting research impedes the development of effective public health policies and safety regulations.
  • Therapeutic Potential: Understanding RF-EMF is crucial for medical advancements, such as treatments using specific RF frequencies to target cancer cells.

Our Demand:

Immediate restoration of funding and support for the NTP’s research is essential for crafting informed policy decisions and protecting public health.

3. End FCC Regulatory Capture: Prioritize Public Health Over Profits

Regulatory capture has allowed industry interests to influence the FCC, resulting in policies that favor corporate profits over public safety.

Why This Matters:

  • Industry Influence: Appointments like that of former FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler, a former telecommunications lobbyist, highlight conflicts of interest.
  • Public Trust and Safety: The FCC’s failure to update guidelines erodes public trust and leaves the public unprotected.
  • Unchecked Technology Proliferation: Without stringent regulations, the rollout of new wireless technologies continues without sufficient safety testing.

Our Demand:

The FCC must implement measures to eliminate industry influence, ensuring that public health and safety are the primary considerations in all regulatory decisions.

The Misclassification of RF Radiation Health Risks

The misclassification of RF radiation risks has far-reaching implications:

  • Bioelectric Dysregulation: Disruptions in cellular membrane potential may contribute to cancer development.
  • Societal Impact: EMFs may impact hormones and brain development, potentially contributing to neurological disorders.
  • Exacerbation of Diseases: RF radiation may exacerbate conditions where bioelectricity is a factor, like cancer and neurological diseases.
  • Stalled Research and Innovation: Lack of comprehensive research hinders the development of safer technologies and medical interventions.

Moving Beyond the Debate

Given the accumulating scientific evidence, the conversation should shift from debating whether RF radiation is harmful to determining how best to protect public health.

Key Actions:

  • Updating Safety Guidelines
  • Implementing Precautionary Measures
  • Continued Research and Surveillance

Take Action Now: Your Voice Can Make a Difference

The urgency of these issues cannot be overstated. Scientific evidence underscores the need for immediate action to protect our health and that of future generations.

How You Can Help:

  1. Contact Elected Officials: Express your concerns and demand action on updating safety guidelines and supporting research.
  2. Spread Awareness: Share credible information about the risks of RF-EMF exposure.
  3. Support Legislation: Advocate for laws that mandate lower radiation emissions and promote safer technology.
  4. Practice Safe Technology Use: Reduce personal exposure by using wired connections and keeping devices away from your body.

Listener’s Experience:

“After learning about these risks, I’ve started using a headset for calls and turn off my Wi-Fi at night. Small changes can make a big difference.”

Conclusion: From Science to Policy

The most recent studies have conclusively shown that the debate about cell phone radiation being hazardous is over. This issue has transcended the realm of science and firmly entered the domain of public policy.

Key Points:

  • Policy Over Science Alone: Effective policy is essential to implement changes that protect public health.
  • Global Legislative Action: Governments worldwide must enforce legislation that limits cell phone radiation.
  • Protecting Future Generations: Current policies that fail to address RF-EMF risks jeopardize the health of future generations.

RF Safe’s mission is clear: To protect the well-being of our children and future generations by addressing critical issues related to RF radiation exposure. Together, we can create a safer world.

For more information and resources, visit


  1. National Toxicology Program (NTP). (2018). Toxicology and Carcinogenesis Studies of Cell Phone Radiofrequency Radiation. Retrieved from NTP Website
  2. Falcioni, L., et al. (2018). Report of Final Results Regarding Brain and Heart Tumors in Sprague-Dawley Rats Exposed to Mobile Phone Radiofrequency Field. Environmental Research, 165, 496-503.
  3. Federal Communications Commission (FCC). (1996). Guidelines for Evaluating the Environmental Effects of Radiofrequency Radiation. Retrieved from FCC Website
  4. Hardell, L., & Carlberg, M. (2015). Mobile Phone and Cordless Phone Use and the Risk for Glioma. Pathophysiology, 22(1), 1-13.
  5. World Health Organization (WHO). (2014). Electromagnetic Fields and Public Health: Mobile Phones. Retrieved from WHO Website

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What are the non-thermal effects of RF radiation?

Non-thermal effects refer to biological impacts of RF radiation that occur without a significant rise in temperature, such as DNA damage, oxidative stress, and cellular dysfunction.

2. Why are children more at risk from RF radiation?

Children have thinner skulls and developing brains, making them more susceptible to RF radiation. They also have longer lifetime exposure.

3. What can I do to reduce my exposure to RF radiation?

Use wired connections when possible, limit cell phone use, keep devices away from your body, and turn off wireless functions when not in use.

4. Are current safety guidelines adequate?

Current guidelines are based on outdated science and primarily address thermal effects, ignoring non-thermal biological impacts demonstrated by recent research.

5. How can I advocate for change?

Contact your elected officials, support legislation for safer technology, spread awareness, and vote for candidates who prioritize public health.

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