

Next Trump-FCC Will Put Public Health First! RFK Jr Reveals Trump’s Recognition of Mistakes

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is tasked with protecting public health and regulating the telecommunications industry, but decades of regulatory capture have transformed it into a tool for corporate interests. This article delves into the long history of corporate influence over the FCC, its devastating impact on public welfare, and how a new alliance between Donald Trump and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. offers hope for reform.

Trump’s Recognition of Mistakes: A Second Chance to Drain the Swamp

When Donald Trump took office in 2017, he inherited an FCC and other agencies that were already deeply embedded in corporate influence. The revolving door between industry and regulators had been well-established under Democrat leadership, particularly during the Obama-Biden administration. Tom Wheeler, appointed as FCC Chairman under Obama, exemplified this dynamic. A former head of the wireless industry, Wheeler’s tenure prioritized corporate profits over public health, leading to policies that perpetuated outdated safety guidelines and placed millions of children at risk from unchecked radiofrequency (RF) radiation exposure.

Trump has since acknowledged his lack of preparedness during his first term and the missteps in appointing individuals who perpetuated this regulatory capture. In recent conversations with RFK Jr., Trump admitted that his administration was influenced by corporate lobbyists, including those from the telecommunications industry, who shaped key regulatory decisions. With RFK Jr. now by his side, Trump is determined not to repeat the same mistakes. RFK Jr., a fierce advocate for public health and the environment, has a track record of taking on captured agencies like the FCC, having won a major lawsuit that exposed the agency’s failure to protect Americans from RF radiation.

A Legacy of Democratic Policies Favoring Corporate Profits Over Public Health

The regulatory capture of the FCC did not begin with Trump. Democratic administrations, particularly under Obama and Biden, allowed corporate interests to dominate the agency. Tom Wheeler’s appointment was a glaring example of this, as his policies ensured that the wireless industry’s agenda prevailed over public welfare. Wheeler’s FCC maintained outdated safety guidelines for RF radiation, ignoring mounting scientific evidence that linked wireless exposure to serious health risks.

The Biden-Harris administration has continued this trend. Despite a 2021 U.S. Court of Appeals ruling that criticized the FCC’s guidelines as outdated and inadequate, the administration has failed to take meaningful action. These inadequate safety standards have left millions of Americans, particularly children, vulnerable to the harmful effects of RF radiation.

One of the most troubling examples of the Biden administration’s neglect is the halting of critical cancer research by the National Toxicology Program (NTP). Under the Biden-Harris administration, funding for research that found clear evidence linking RF radiation to cancer was cut off. This decision left a dangerous gap in public health protections, further exposing children to long-term risks from wireless technology.

The NTP’s findings were particularly damning, as they linked RF radiation to glioblastoma, the same type of brain cancer that claimed the life of Beau Biden, President Joe Biden’s son. Rather than acting on these findings and safeguarding the public, the administration chose to redirect funds away from this vital research, prioritizing military spending and corporate interests instead. This neglect is not bureaucratic inertia—it is a deliberate act that places corporate profits above the health and well-being of families across America.

The Hidden Health Crisis: RF Radiation and Chronic Disease

The capture of the FCC and the failure to update RF radiation safety guidelines have coincided with a disturbing rise in chronic diseases. From cancer to developmental delays and neurological disorders, RF radiation has been implicated in a host of health problems that are often overlooked in mainstream discussions about public health.

Multiple studies, including those from the National Toxicology Program (NTP), the Ramazzini Institute, and the BioInitiative Report, have found significant evidence that RF radiation poses serious health risks. These studies link RF exposure to cancer, neurological disorders, hormonal imbalances, and developmental issues in children. Yet, despite this growing body of evidence, the FCC has consistently ignored these findings, relying instead on industry-funded research that downplays the risks.

One of the most alarming health concerns is the effect of RF radiation on children. Children’s developing bodies are more vulnerable to radiation, and studies have shown that prolonged exposure to RF radiation can lead to neurological problems, developmental delays, and even hormonal imbalances that disrupt natural growth and development. The potential for RF radiation to affect mental health and contribute to the rise in conditions like anxiety, depression, and gender identity confusion cannot be ignored.

This neglect of public health is no accident. The regulatory capture of the FCC has allowed corporate interests to dictate policies that prioritize profits over the well-being of Americans, and Democratic administrations have been complicit in this process. These outdated and inadequate safety guidelines have left millions of children and families exposed to preventable health risks. As RFK Jr. has pointed out, the failure to update safety standards despite court rulings is not just a failure of governance—it is a betrayal of the public trust.

RFK Jr.’s Legal Battles: A Hope for Change

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has spent years fighting to hold the FCC accountable for its failures, winning significant legal battles in the process. In a landmark ruling in 2021, the U.S. Court of Appeals found that the FCC had acted “capriciously and arbitrarily” by refusing to update its RF radiation safety guidelines. This ruling was a major victory for public health advocates, as it exposed the FCC’s disregard for scientific evidence and highlighted the dangers of continued inaction.

RFK Jr.’s legal efforts have revealed the extent to which the FCC has been captured by corporate interests, particularly the wireless industry. His involvement in a potential Trump administration offers a glimmer of hope for meaningful reform. Together, Trump and RFK Jr. could work to break the cycle of regulatory capture that has plagued the FCC for decades.

By pushing for updated safety guidelines and holding the telecommunications industry accountable for the health risks associated with RF radiation, Trump and RFK Jr. could help protect future generations from the dangers of wireless technologies. Their alliance represents a unique opportunity to address the failures of past administrations and prioritize public health over corporate profits.

The Path Forward: Reforming the FCC and Protecting Public Health

The capture of the FCC by corporate interests has been a significant factor in the rise of chronic diseases and the continued exposure of Americans to harmful levels of RF radiation. However, with Trump’s recognition of past mistakes and his alliance with RFK Jr., there is an opportunity to reverse these trends.

Key reforms could include:

  1. Updating RF radiation safety guidelines to reflect the latest scientific research on non-thermal effects and the health risks associated with prolonged exposure.
  2. Breaking the revolving door between the FCC and the telecommunications industry by appointing regulators who prioritize public health over corporate profits.
  3. Restoring funding to critical cancer research programs, such as the National Toxicology Program, to ensure that the health risks associated with RF radiation are fully understood and addressed.
  4. Implementing stronger environmental reviews under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) to prevent the telecommunications industry from bypassing important public health and environmental protections.

By pursuing these reforms, Trump and RFK Jr. could help dismantle the entrenched corporate interests that have dominated the FCC for decades. Their efforts could lead to a safer, healthier future for all Americans, particularly children who are most vulnerable to the harmful effects of RF radiation.

 A Call for Urgent Action

The FCC’s capture by the industries it is supposed to regulate is one of the most significant public health crises of our time. Decades of Democratic policies that favored corporate profits over public welfare have left millions of Americans, especially children, vulnerable to the harmful effects of RF radiation. The halting of critical research by the Biden administration and the continuation of outdated safety guidelines highlight the need for immediate action.

However, with Trump’s acknowledgment of his past mistakes and his alliance with RFK Jr., there is hope for reform. Together, they could help restore public trust in the FCC, update safety standards, and protect future generations from the dangers of wireless technologies. The time for reform is now, and with Trump and RFK Jr. leading the charge, there is reason to be optimistic about what the future holds.

regulatory capture at the FCC and its implications for the 2024 election:

  1. What is regulatory capture, and how does it affect the FCC?
    • Regulatory capture occurs when an agency meant to regulate industries becomes dominated by the industries it oversees, leading to decisions that prioritize corporate profits over public welfare. At the FCC, this has resulted in outdated safety guidelines for radiofrequency (RF) radiation.
  2. How has the FCC’s regulatory capture impacted public health?
    • The FCC’s capture by telecommunications companies has contributed to inadequate RF radiation safety guidelines, ignoring scientific evidence that links wireless radiation exposure to health issues such as cancer, neurological disorders, and developmental delays in children.
  3. What role did Trump’s FCC appointments play in perpetuating regulatory capture?
    • During Trump’s first term, his appointments to the FCC, including former Verizon lawyer Ajit Pai, aligned the agency even more closely with industry interests, leading to policies that benefited telecom companies while compromising public health protections.
  4. What is RFK Jr.’s stance on FCC reform?
    • Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has sued the FCC and won, proving that its safety guidelines for RF radiation were outdated and insufficient to protect public health, especially children. He advocates for updating these guidelines and breaking the FCC’s ties to industry.
  5. How could RFK Jr. and Trump work together to reform the FCC?
    • Trump has admitted to past mistakes in appointing industry insiders to key regulatory positions. With RFK Jr.’s experience in holding agencies accountable, their potential alliance could lead to reforms that prioritize public health over corporate interests at the FCC.
  6. What health risks are associated with outdated RF radiation guidelines?
    • Studies have shown that RF radiation exposure can increase the risk of cancer, developmental delays, hormonal imbalances, and neurological disorders, particularly in children, who are more vulnerable due to their developing bodies.
  7. Why is the FCC’s failure to update RF radiation safety guidelines significant?
    • The FCC has failed to update its safety guidelines despite numerous studies showing that current standards do not account for non-thermal biological effects of RF radiation. This failure has put millions of Americans at risk, particularly children.
  8. What impact did the Obama-Biden administration have on FCC regulatory capture?
    • The Obama-Biden administration appointed Tom Wheeler, a former head of the wireless industry, as FCC Chairman. Wheeler’s leadership further solidified the agency’s alignment with telecom companies, contributing to the ongoing regulatory capture of the FCC.
  9. What is the National Toxicology Program’s role in RF radiation research?
    • The National Toxicology Program (NTP) conducted studies linking RF radiation to cancer, but funding for this critical research was halted under the Biden administration. This has left a gap in understanding the long-term health risks of wireless technologies.
  10. Why is FCC reform a sleeper issue in the 2024 election?
  • While not widely discussed, regulatory capture at the FCC has far-reaching implications for public health, particularly regarding RF radiation exposure. With Trump and RFK Jr. potentially addressing this issue, it could become a significant factor in the 2024 election, especially concerning children’s health and safety.


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