In 1998, I founded RF Safe after the devastating loss of my first-born daughter, Angel Leigh Coates. She died from a neural tube disorder, a condition I now know has been linked to microwave radiation exposure.
Her mother was working in front of microwave radios all day when she became pregnant, completely unaware of the potential risks.
At the time, nobody warned us. Nobody told us the truth.
Then, in 1997—two years after my daughter’s passing—a study came out linking RF radiation to a 300% increase in neural tube defects. The very condition that took my daughter’s life was now scientifically associated with RF exposure.
By the time the world acknowledged the risk, it was too late for my little girl.
I dedicated the next 25+ years of my life to fighting the dangers of wireless radiation. But today, I find myself facing the same nightmare all over again.
My only living child, my seven-year-old daughter, sits at her school desk just 465 feet from a cell tower.
I know the risks.
I know the science.
I know what happened to my first child.
And yet, I am legally powerless to stop it.
The Unconstitutional Law That Stands in My Way
I should be able to protect my daughter.
I should be able to challenge the placement of that tower.
I should be able to hold the wireless industry accountable.
But I can’t—because Section 704 of the Telecommunications Act of 1996 makes it illegal for me to fight back.
This unconstitutional law, signed by Bill Clinton in 1996, prohibits local governments from rejecting cell towers based on health concerns.
That means:
🚫 Local officials can’t say no.
🚫 Parents like me can’t stop it.
🚫 Even if there is clear scientific evidence of harm, it doesn’t matter.
This isn’t just bad policy—this is tyranny by the telecom industry.
The BioInitiative Report vs. U.S. RF Exposure Standards
The BioInitiative Report, one of the most comprehensive independent reviews of RF radiation research, determined that cell towers should be at least 1,500 feet (500 meters) from schools and homes.
Other countries have already implemented this standard—but in America, our children are still being exposed.
My daughter’s school is just 465 feet away from a cell tower.
If we followed the science, that tower should not be there.
If we followed basic human rights, I should have the power to challenge it.
But because of Section 704, I don’t.
This isn’t just about me—it’s about every parent in America.
We have been stripped of our right to protect our children from a known environmental hazard.
The Real Solution: Repeal Section 704 and Implement Safety Standards
No matter how many studies we produce, no matter how many lawsuits we win, and no matter how many experts RFK Jr. hires at HHS—we will not solve America’s chronic disease epidemic until Section 704 is repealed.
It was signed into law by a president—and it will take a president to repeal it.
That means Donald Trump must take action.
If Trump truly wants to put America first, then he must first protect American children.
That starts with:
✅ Repealing Section 704 and restoring local control over wireless infrastructure.
✅ Establishing a national commission to evaluate RF exposure levels near schools.
✅ Implementing the BioInitiative standard—cell towers must be at least 1,500 feet away from schools.
✅ Where towers cannot be moved, implementing space-based broadband solutions instead.
Other countries are already doing this—France, Israel, India, Italy, and Russia all have stricter RF safety standards than the United States.
America is failing to lead—and our children are paying the price.
Final Thoughts: I Won’t Let This Happen Again
I lost one child to RF radiation.
I refuse to stand by and watch as my second child is put in harm’s way.
The Government’s Long History of Ignoring the Truth
The government has ignored far more than just a single lawsuit or a handful of studies—it has ignored decades of scientific warnings, federal laws, and constitutional rights.
🛑 The government ignored Public Law 90-602.
The Radiation Control for Health and Safety Act of 1968 requires the FDA to research and regulate radiation from electronic products, including RF radiation. Instead of enforcing this law, the government let the wireless industry set its own safety standards.
🛑 The government ignored the Constitution when it created Section 704 of the Telecommunications Act.
This unconstitutional law stripped local governments of their ability to regulate wireless infrastructure based on health concerns—violating both the First and Tenth Amendments.
🛑 The government ignored the fact that the FCC’s thermal-only safety guidelines were inadequate from the start.
The 1996 RF exposure limits were never based on real biological research—they were based on outdated engineering models that only measured heating effects, completely ignoring the thousands of studies showing non-thermal biological harm.
🛑 The government ignored the reality that wireless technology can be made safer.
It refuses to enforce safety innovations, such as:
- Directional antennas that reduce human exposure.
- Hardwired solutions that minimize unnecessary RF exposure.
- Space-based alternatives that eliminate the need for powerful ground transmitters near schools and homes.
🛑 The government ignored the chronic disease crisis that is a direct result of unconstitutional laws.
The epidemic of cancer, infertility, neurological disorders, and childhood developmental conditions cannot be solved until the laws that allow unlimited RF radiation exposure are repealed.
Every step of the way, the government has chosen to protect telecom industry profits instead of public health.
📢 It’s time to hold them accountable.
The government ignored the law!
The government ignored the risks!
The government ignored the science!
The government ignored the lawsuit RFK Jr. won in 2021.
And now, the government is ignoring my right as a parent to protect my child.
This must end.
📢 Repeal Section 704. Hold leaders accountable. Protect the next generation.