Bioelectricity: The Hidden Force Guiding Life’s Blueprint For Development That Needs Protection From Entropic Waste
The Role of Bioelectricity in Development
Bioelectricity is the language of life, a silent conductor orchestrating the complex symphony of development from the moment of conception. At the subcellular level, every cell, tissue, and organ is governed by bioelectric signals—subtle yet powerful currents that guide cells to divide, differentiate, and form the intricate structures of the human body.
During pregnancy, bioelectric signals are particularly crucial as they govern the foundational processes that lead to the formation of organs, including the brain and spinal cord. These signals ensure that cells communicate correctly, migrate to their designated locations, and assemble into the complex architecture that defines human anatomy. When this bioelectric guidance system is disrupted, the consequences can be severe, leading to birth defects and developmental disorders.
Anencephaly: A Tragic Example of Bioelectric Dissonance
One of the most tragic examples of disrupted bioelectric signaling is anencephaly, a neural tube defect (NTD) that results in the absence of major portions of the brain, skull, and scalp. Anencephaly occurs when the neural tube, which eventually forms the brain and spinal cord, fails to close properly during early development. This failure is not merely a random occurrence but can be traced back to disruptions in the bioelectric signals that are supposed to guide the closure of the neural tube.
The story of Angel Leigh Coates, who was lost to anencephaly, is a heart-wrenching reminder of the consequences of bioelectric dissonance. Her father, John Coates, founded RF Safe and dedicated his life to understanding and mitigating the dangers of electromagnetic radiation (EMR), also known as entropic waste, which he believes played a role in disrupting the delicate bioelectric processes during Angel’s development.
While anencephaly is one of the most extreme examples of bioelectric disruption, it is far from the only one. The same bioelectric principles that guide neural tube closure are also involved in a wide range of other developmental processes. Disruptions in these signals can lead to a host of developmental disorders, some of which may not be immediately obvious at birth but manifest later in life.
For instance, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) are increasingly being linked to bioelectric abnormalities. These conditions, which affect millions of children worldwide, may arise from subtle disruptions in the bioelectric signaling during critical periods of brain development. Just as with neural tube defects, these disruptions can result in structural and functional abnormalities in the brain, leading to cognitive, behavioral, and social challenges.
Entropic Waste: The Silent Saboteur of Bioelectric Processes
At the heart of these disruptions is entropic waste—an often overlooked environmental factor that is becoming increasingly prevalent in our modern world. Entropic waste refers to the chaotic energy emitted by wireless technologies, including cell phones, Wi-Fi, and other electromagnetic sources. This energy, while invisible, is far from harmless. It permeates our environment, interacting with the bioelectric signals that are essential for healthy development.
Wireless radiation, a significant source of entropic waste, can interfere with the delicate balance of bioelectric signals in the developing fetus. This interference can lead to bioelectric dissonance, a state where the normal flow of electrical signals is disrupted, causing cells to miscommunicate and develop abnormally. The effects of this dissonance can be as severe as anencephaly or as subtle as the neurodevelopmental disorders like ADHD and autism.
The Impact on Future Generations
Children today are growing up in an environment saturated with wireless radiation. Unlike previous generations, they are exposed to this entropic waste from the earliest stages of life—even before they are born. The cumulative effect of this exposure is a growing concern among scientists, who fear that the continuous assault on bioelectric processes could lead to a range of health issues, from hormonal imbalances to developmental delays.
Research has shown that exposure to wireless radiation during pregnancy can lead to changes in hormone levels, which are crucial for proper brain development. These hormonal disruptions can exacerbate the effects of bioelectric dissonance, leading to a higher risk of developmental disorders. As these children grow, the continued exposure to wireless radiation can further interfere with their bioelectric signaling, compounding the challenges they face.
Beyond Birth Defects: The Long-Term Consequences of Bioelectric Disruption
The impact of bioelectric dissonance and entropic waste is not limited to the womb. As children grow, their bodies continue to rely on bioelectric signals to guide development, repair tissues, and maintain health. When these signals are disrupted, the effects can manifest in a variety of ways, including increased susceptibility to chronic health conditions, learning disabilities, and emotional disorders.
One particularly concerning area of research is the potential link between bioelectric disruption and cancer. Cancer is, at its core, a disease of uncontrolled cell growth and division—processes that are tightly regulated by bioelectric signals. Emerging evidence suggests that when these signals are disrupted, it can lead to the formation of tumors and the spread of cancer cells, a process known as metastasis.
A Call to Action: Protecting Future Generations from Bioelectric Disruption
The connection between bioelectricity, entropic waste, and developmental disorders is clear, yet it is often overlooked in discussions about public health. It is imperative that we recognize the risks posed by wireless radiation and take proactive steps to protect the most vulnerable members of our society—our children.
We must advocate for stricter regulations on wireless technology, ensuring that safety standards account for the non-thermal biological effects of electromagnetic radiation. This includes revisiting outdated guidelines and supporting research that explores the long-term impact of entropic waste on bioelectric processes.
Furthermore, public awareness must be raised about the potential dangers of wireless radiation, particularly during pregnancy and early childhood. Parents, educators, and healthcare providers need to be informed about the risks so that they can take steps to minimize exposure and protect the health of future generations.
A Future at Risk
The story of Angel Leigh Coates is a powerful reminder of the consequences of bioelectric dissonance. While her loss was a tragic example of the most extreme effects of disrupted bioelectric processes, the ongoing assault on our children by entropic waste poses a broader, more insidious threat. From ADHD to autism to cancer, the impact of wireless radiation on bioelectric signaling is a growing public health crisis that cannot be ignored.
We have the knowledge and the tools to mitigate these risks, but it requires a collective effort to push for change. By understanding the connection between bioelectricity and developmental disorders, we can take the necessary steps to protect our children from the harmful effects of entropic waste and ensure that future generations have the opportunity to grow up healthy and strong.
Perspective From RF Safe’s Founder
The Hidden Dangers of EMF Exposure: A Father’s Story and a Call to Action
In 1995, my life changed forever. My daughter, Angel Leigh Coates, was born with a severe neural tube defect (NTD) known as anencephaly. This devastating condition took her life, leaving a permanent scar on my heart and igniting a mission that continues to this day. The cause of her condition? I am convinced it was due to the exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) from powerful industrial microwave radios that my wife, Tamara, was subjected to during her pregnancy.
Two years later, in 1998, I founded RF Safe, a platform dedicated to educating the public about the invisible dangers of EMF radiation and providing solutions to minimize exposure. This mission has become even more urgent as our world becomes increasingly saturated with wireless technologies that emit EMF, posing a significant risk to developing fetuses, children, and even adults.
Understanding Neural Tube Defects and Bioelectricity
Neural tube defects (NTDs) are severe birth defects that affect the brain, spine, or spinal cord. They occur during the first month of pregnancy when the neural tube, which later becomes the brain and spinal cord, fails to close completely. The most severe form of NTD is anencephaly, where a major portion of the brain, skull, and scalp is absent. This condition is nearly always fatal.
EMF-induced abnormalities in chicken embryos. (Farrell et al, 1997)
The development of the neural tube is a critical process governed by bioelectric signals—electrical patterns and gradients that guide the formation and differentiation of cells during early development. Disruptions in these bioelectric signals can lead to catastrophic outcomes, such as NTDs, by interfering with the delicate processes that shape the brain and spinal cord.
The Connection Between EMF Exposure and Developmental Abnormalities
Emerging research has shown that exposure to EMFs can disrupt bioelectric signals, leading to abnormal development of the neural tube and other critical structures in the body. In the late 1990s, just two years after losing my daughter, studies began to shed light on the link between EMF exposure and birth defects. One significant study conducted by Farrell et al. (1997) exposed about 3,000 chicken embryos to EMFs and found a 2.5-fold increase in the rate of neural abnormalities.
The images from this study (shown above) are stark. They compare normal, unexposed embryos with those exposed to EMFs. In the exposed embryos, the neural tube and brain show significant defects—similar to conditions like spina bifida and anencephaly in humans. These findings were not just anomalies but clear indications that EMF exposure can have devastating effects on developing embryos.
The Role of Bioelectricity in Development
Bioelectricity is the language of cells, guiding processes such as cell division, differentiation, and tissue formation. During pregnancy, the developing embryo relies heavily on these bioelectric signals to ensure that cells know where to go and what to become. Any disruption in these signals—such as those caused by EMF exposure—can lead to severe malformations.
For example, the images from Farrell’s study show how EMF exposure flattens the hindbrain and causes open neural tubes, leading to conditions that are incompatible with life. This is an extreme example of bioelectric dissonance—a state where the normal electrical communication between cells is disturbed, leading to catastrophic structural defects.
EMF Exposure: A Growing Concern for Today’s Children
While the loss of my daughter was a personal tragedy, the broader implications of EMF exposure are just as alarming. Today’s children are growing up in an environment saturated with wireless radiation—from cell phones, Wi-Fi routers, and countless other devices. This constant exposure to EMF, or what I call “entropic waste,” is putting them at risk for a host of developmental and health issues.
Research has increasingly shown that EMF exposure is not only linked to severe birth defects like anencephaly but also to more subtle yet pervasive conditions such as ADHD, autism spectrum disorders, and even hormone imbalances. These disorders may not be immediately apparent at birth but can manifest later in life as children struggle with cognitive, behavioral, and developmental challenges.
The Scientific Evidence: EMF and Cancer Risk
Beyond developmental disorders, there is a significant body of research indicating potential health risks associated with cell phone-level electromagnetic radiation. Major studies, including the Interphone study, Hardell group studies, CERENAT study, U.S. National Toxicology Program (NTP), Ramazzini Institute Study, and the REFLEX Project, have all pointed towards an increased risk of cancers such as glioblastoma—a particularly aggressive form of brain cancer.
These studies collectively highlight the absurdity of dismissing the potential risks of EMF exposure. For example, the NTP study found “clear evidence” of cancer in animals exposed to EMF levels similar to those emitted by cell phones. The Ramazzini Institute’s findings echoed these results, showing an increased incidence of tumors in animals exposed to lower levels of radiation, comparable to what humans experience daily.
Misclassification of RFR Risks: A Barrier to Progress
One of the most significant barriers to addressing the health risks posed by RF radiation is its misclassification as a low-risk factor. Current safety standards, set by the FCC, focus predominantly on thermal effects—how much the radiation heats the tissue—while ignoring the non-thermal biological effects that can disrupt bioelectric processes.
This outdated view has not only put public health at risk but also held back life-saving medical interventions. Recent reviews have pointed out that RF-EMF treatment could potentially aid in damaging cancer cells through bioelectrical and electromechanical molecular mechanisms while minimizing adverse effects on healthy tissues. However, these therapeutic potentials remain largely untapped due to the continued misclassification of RF radiation as biologically inert.
The Call for Updated Safety Standards and Renewed Research
The evidence is clear: EMF exposure poses a significant risk to public health, particularly for pregnant women and children. The outdated FCC guidelines must be updated to reflect the latest scientific understanding of non-thermal effects of EMF exposure. Moreover, the Biden-Harris administration’s decision to halt the National Toxicology Program’s cancer research—a program that was beginning to uncover the full extent of these risks—must be reversed.
It is imperative that we restart this research and continue to investigate the impact of EMF on human health, particularly its effects on bioelectric processes during critical developmental stages. This research is not just about understanding the risks; it’s about preventing tragedies like the one that took my daughter’s life.
Conclusion: Protecting Future Generations
As a father who has experienced the devastating impact of EMF exposure firsthand, I am committed to raising awareness about the dangers of wireless radiation. My story is not unique; countless other families have been affected by the unseen, silent killer that is EMF radiation. But together, we can make a difference.
By pushing for updated safety standards, supporting continued research, and educating the public about the risks, we can protect future generations from the harmful effects of entropic waste. The time to act is now—before more children suffer from preventable conditions caused by the very technologies that are supposed to improve our lives.
Let us not wait for more lives to be lost. Let us take action today to ensure that our children can grow up in a world that prioritizes their health and well-being over technological convenience. The loss of Angel Leigh Coates was a tragedy that no parent should have to endure, but her story can serve as a powerful reminder of the importance of vigilance, education, and proactive measures in protecting our most vulnerable.