

Addressing the Biden-Harris Administration’s Shortcomings on Public Health and RF Radiation Safety

Highlighting the Urgent Need for Action: 

As concerns about the potential health risks associated with radiofrequency (RF) radiation continue to mount, critics have pointed to several significant failures of the Biden-Harris administration in addressing these issues. Two primary areas of concern are the lack of enforcement of court orders directing the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to update safety guidelines and the halting of crucial research by the National Toxicology Program (NTP).

1. Failure to Enforce FCC Compliance with Court Orders

In August 2021, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit ruled that the FCC had not provided a satisfactory explanation for its decision to maintain outdated RF radiation exposure guidelines established in 1996. The court found that the FCC failed to address substantial evidence of potential adverse health effects unrelated to thermal impacts, such as cancer, neurological disorders, and reproductive problems.

Despite this ruling, the FCC has not updated its guidelines to reflect the latest scientific research on non-thermal health risks. Critics argue that the Biden-Harris administration has not taken sufficient action to compel the FCC to comply with the court’s decision. This inaction raises concerns about the adequacy of protections for public health, especially given the rapid expansion of wireless technologies like 5G.

Impact on Public Health

  • Outdated Guidelines: The existing guidelines focus primarily on thermal effects and do not account for non-thermal biological impacts demonstrated in recent studies.
  • Vulnerable Populations: Children, pregnant women, and individuals with pre-existing health conditions may be more susceptible to the potential risks associated with RF radiation exposure.

2. Halting of NTP Research on RF Radiation Health Effects

The National Toxicology Program conducted extensive studies that provided “clear evidence” of carcinogenic activity associated with RF radiation in laboratory animals. These findings are critical for understanding potential risks to humans, given the widespread use of cell phones and other wireless devices.

However, concerns have been raised that funding for the NTP’s research into RF radiation has been redirected under the Biden-Harris administration. Critics allege that resources were diverted to other areas, potentially hindering progress in understanding the full spectrum of health risks posed by RF radiation.

Consequences of Halting Research

  • Incomplete Understanding: Without ongoing research, gaps remain in our knowledge of how RF radiation may contribute to health issues such as cancer, including glioblastoma—the type of brain cancer that affected President Biden’s son, Beau Biden.
  • Policy Implications: A lack of current research hampers the development of evidence-based safety guidelines and regulations needed to protect public health.

3. Reliance on International Research

The ending of the NTP domestic research efforts leads to increased dependence on studies conducted in other countries. While international research is valuable, relying solely on external sources for critical public health information is problematic.

Issues with International Dependence

  • Different Standards: Other countries may have varying safety standards and regulatory approaches that do not align with U.S. needs.
  • National Security Concerns: Dependence on foreign research for vital health information could pose risks if access to data becomes restricted due to geopolitical tensions.

The Urgent Need for Action

These failures highlight the necessity for immediate action to address two critical issues caused by Biden-Harris:

1. Updating FCC Guidelines

  • Incorporate Latest Science: The FCC must update its RF radiation exposure guidelines to reflect current scientific understanding, including non-thermal effects.
  • Ensure Public Safety: Revised guidelines should aim to protect all citizens, particularly vulnerable populations like children, from potential health risks.

2. Restarting and Funding NTP Research

  • Reinvest in Critical Studies: Restoring funding to the NTP’s research on RF radiation is essential for developing comprehensive safety standards.
  • Support Evidence-Based Policy: Ongoing research provides the foundation for informed decision-making and effective regulation.

Why This Matters for the 2024 Campaign

Addressing these issues is not only a matter of public health but also a significant opportunity for leadership in the upcoming election:

  • Public Concern: With the ubiquity of wireless devices, RF radiation exposure affects virtually every American, making it a pressing concern for voters.
  • Accountability: Highlighting the Biden-Harris administration’s inaction underscores a need for leadership that prioritizes health and safety over bureaucratic delays.
  • Protecting Future Generations: Taking decisive action demonstrates a commitment to safeguarding the well-being of children and future generations.

Proposed Campaign Theme: “A Safer Future Through Science and Action”

This theme emphasizes the importance of:

  • Science-Based Policies: Implementing regulations grounded in the latest research.
  • Health Prioritization: Placing public health at the forefront of policy decisions.
  • Proactive Leadership: Taking immediate steps to address known issues rather than waiting for crises to emerge.


The Biden-Harris administration’s failures to enforce FCC compliance with court orders and to maintain critical NTP research funding represent significant oversights in protecting public health. By addressing these issues head-on, leaders can demonstrate a commitment to the well-being of all Americans and ensure that safety guidelines keep pace with technological advancements.

It is imperative that action is taken now to update outdated guidelines and reinstate essential research. This approach not only addresses immediate health concerns but also sets a precedent for responsible governance in an increasingly connected world.


  1. U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit: Environmental Health Trust et al. v. FCC, Case No. 20-1025 (2021).
  2. National Toxicology Program (NTP): “Cell Phone Radio Frequency Radiation Studies,” National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences.
  3. Federal Communications Commission (FCC): Guidelines for Human Exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields.
  4. Environmental Health Trust: Advocacy and legal actions regarding RF radiation safety standards.


Editor’s Note

We encourage readers to engage in this critical conversation about public health and technology. Your voices are essential in driving the change needed to ensure a safer future for all.

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