

A Vote for Kamala Harris Is a Vote Against Public Health

Dear Editor,

In an age where wireless technology is as ubiquitous as the air we breathe, the health implications of radiofrequency (RF) radiation have become impossible to ignore. Cell towers are multiplying, 5G networks are expanding, and our exposure to RF radiation is increasing exponentially. The science is clear: prolonged exposure to RF radiation poses serious health risks, including brain tumors, cancer, and neurological disorders. Yet, the Biden-Harris administration has not only ignored these warnings but has actively taken steps that endanger public health.

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC), the agency responsible for regulating RF radiation exposure, has been effectively captured by corporate interests. This isn’t a new problem. It began under the Obama-Biden administration when Tom Wheeler, a former chief lobbyist for the wireless industry, was appointed as FCC chairman. This was the proverbial fox guarding the henhouse, and it set the stage for policies that favored industry profits over public safety.

Under the current administration, the situation has worsened. The FCC continues to rely on outdated safety guidelines from 1996, ignoring the exponential growth in wireless technology and the mounting scientific evidence of non-thermal biological effects of RF radiation. Despite a 2021 U.S. Court of Appeals ruling that the FCC failed to address significant health concerns, the Biden-Harris administration has done nothing to enforce this mandate. They have allowed the FCC to flout the court’s order, leaving the public unprotected.

Even more egregious is the administration’s decision to shut down critical research. The National Toxicology Program (NTP), a federal agency that conducted a landmark $30 million study linking RF radiation to cancer, had its funding diverted to military projects. This wasn’t a mere oversight; it was a deliberate move that sidelined vital scientific investigations into the health effects of RF radiation. The money didn’t just disappear—it was redirected, reportedly to fund the war in Ukraine. This action speaks volumes about the administration’s priorities.

Let’s be clear: this is not just bureaucratic negligence; it’s a betrayal of public trust. Our children are the most vulnerable, and their health is being compromised. The science is irrefutable. The NTP study found “clear evidence” of cancer risks, corroborated by the Ramazzini Institute’s research in Italy, which showed similar results at even lower exposure levels. These studies confirm that RF radiation can lead to malignant tumors in the brain and heart.

Yet, Kamala Harris and Joe Biden, the captains of this ship, have chosen to ignore these findings. They have allowed the wireless industry to operate without meaningful oversight, prioritizing corporate donors over the health of the American people. This pattern of placing profits above people isn’t new for the Democratic establishment; it harks back to Biden’s earlier years in the White House. But now, the stakes are higher than ever.

We cannot afford to let Harris continue these failed public health policies. Voting for her is not just endorsing the status quo; it’s endorsing a future where our well-being is compromised for corporate gain. It’s a vote that could have dire consequences for our health and the health of future generations.

The upcoming election is more than a political contest; it’s a referendum on our priorities as a nation. Do we value the health of our citizens, or do we allow corporate interests to dictate policies that put us at risk? The science has spoken, and it’s time we listen.

We need leaders who will hold regulatory agencies accountable, who will enforce court orders, and who will prioritize public health over industry profits. It’s imperative that we elect officials who are committed to updating safety guidelines based on current scientific research and who will reinstate funding for critical health studies like those conducted by the NTP.

Our votes have power. Let’s use them to protect our health and the health of our children. Let’s choose leaders who will act in the public’s best interest, not in the interest of corporate donors. It’s time to hold Kamala Harris and the current administration accountable for their negligence. Our future depends on it.


John Coates


A Call to Action: Protecting Public Health

The science is clear: RF radiation poses serious health risks, and the current regulatory framework is woefully inadequate. Here’s what must happen:

  1. Update FCC Safety Guidelines: The FCC must revise its outdated standards to reflect modern science, incorporating both thermal and non-thermal effects of RF radiation.
  2. Restart NTP Research: The National Toxicology Program’s research on RF radiation must be reinstated and expanded to provide the scientific basis for new safety regulations.
  3. End FCC Regulatory Capture: The FCC must be freed from corporate influence, ensuring that public health is the priority in all regulatory decisions.

Brain Cancer on the Ballot isn’t just a metaphor. The decisions made by the next administration will directly influence how the country handles wireless radiation safety. And with candidates taking starkly different positions on RF radiation research and safety guidelines, your vote might indeed affect the risk of brain cancer—yours, your children’s, and future generations’.

Kamala Harris: Corporate Capture and Health Neglect

Kamala Harris has aligned herself with the same policies that have allowed the telecommunications industry to continue operating under outdated safety standards. Under the Biden-Harris administration, funding for the National Toxicology Program (NTP), which found clear evidence linking RF radiation to cancer, was diverted to military projects, shutting down critical cancer research.

One of the biggest failures under Harris has been the refusal to update safety guidelines for RF radiation, despite overwhelming evidence of non-thermal biological effects. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) still relies on safety standards from 1996—before smartphones and Wi-Fi were part of everyday life. These guidelines focus exclusively on thermal effects, dismissing the more insidious risks of non-thermal exposure, such as DNA damage, oxidative stress, and increased blood-brain barrier permeability, all of which have been linked to cancers like gliomas, the very cancer that claimed President Joe Biden’s son, Beau Biden.

Yet despite personal tragedy striking so close to home, Harris’s administration has turned a blind eye to the growing scientific consensus that RF radiation can contribute to brain cancer. The National Toxicology Program’s findings, along with those from the Ramazzini Institute, which showed similar cancer risks at much lower exposure levels, have been ignored. This is a critical failure in public health policy, driven largely by corporate influence over regulatory bodies like the FCC.

Voting for Harris in 2024 is not just a vote for corporate interests—it’s a vote that could directly impact the public’s health, putting millions at risk of developing brain tumors and other serious conditions.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: A Champion for Public Health

In stark contrast to Harris, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has been a tireless advocate for RF radiation safety. His 2021 lawsuit against the FCC resulted in a historic court ruling that the agency had “failed to justify” its outdated safety standards. Kennedy has long pushed for a complete overhaul of these guidelines, emphasizing the need for regulatory bodies to recognize the dangers posed by non-thermal RF radiation exposure.

Kennedy’s stance is firmly rooted in science. He has pointed to major studies, including the NTP’s decade-long investigation, which found increased rates of brain and heart tumors in animals exposed to cell phone radiation. Kennedy has also criticized the FCC’s cozy relationship with the telecommunications industry, calling for independent research and stricter oversight to protect the public from the dangers of wireless radiation.

A vote for Kennedy in 2024 is a vote for updated safety guidelines and a government that prioritizes public health over corporate profits.

Donald Trump: A Shift in Perspective

While Donald Trump’s first term was marked by appointments that favored corporate interests—such as Ajit Pai, a former Verizon lawyer, as chairman of the FCC—he has since acknowledged his past mistakes. Through discussions with Kennedy, Trump has pledged to make RF radiation safety a key issue in his 2024 campaign.

Trump has committed to restoring funding for the NTP’s research on cancer risks associated with RF radiation and has promised to overhaul the FCC, breaking the telecommunications industry’s stranglehold on regulatory policy. By admitting past failures and shifting focus toward public health, Trump represents a significant change in the way RF radiation safety could be handled under his leadership.

Voting for Trump in 2024 means supporting a candidate who now recognizes the risks of RF radiation and is committed to updating safety standards to reflect current scientific evidence.


The National Toxicology Program’s (NTP) Landmark Findings

One of the most significant studies to date is the U.S. National Toxicology Program’s (NTP) $30 million, decade-long investigation into the health impacts of RF radiation. This study, which exposed over 3,000 rodents to RF radiation levels mimicking 2G and 3G emissions, delivered startling results: clear evidence of increased cancer rates, particularly malignant schwannomas of the heart and gliomas of the brain in male rats. Additionally, the NTP observed DNA damage in brain cells, providing a potential mechanism for cancer development, and it is important to note that these adverse effects occurred without significant temperature increases—refuting the outdated notion that only thermal effects of RF radiation are harmful.

The NTP study delivered the most robust evidence to date that RF radiation can cause cancer in mammals. It should have spurred immediate action to update safety regulations, but instead, the findings were largely ignored by regulatory agencies, including the FCC.

The Ramazzini Institute (RI) Reinforces the NTP’s Findings

Adding further weight to the NTP’s conclusions, the Ramazzini Institute (RI) in Italy conducted a similar study that exposed rats to RF radiation levels much lower than those used in the NTP study—levels equivalent to the radiation emitted by cell towers. Remarkably, the RI study found the same types of tumors (heart schwannomas and brain gliomas), reinforcing the cancer risk from even low-level environmental RF radiation exposure. This means that the dangers of RF radiation aren’t just limited to heavy cell phone use but also extend to everyday exposure from the wireless infrastructure that surrounds us.

The RI study provided critical evidence that even low-level RF radiation could have carcinogenic effects, yet this research, like the NTP study, has been largely sidelined by those in power.

Genetic Profiling Bridges the Gap to Human Health

In 2024, a groundbreaking study analyzed tumors from the Ramazzini Institute’s research, comparing them to human cancers. The findings were undeniable: the tumors in rats exhibited morphological similarities to low-grade gliomas found in humans. Moreover, shared genetic mutations were identified between the rat tumors and human cancers, providing a direct link between RF radiation exposure and cancer in humans. This landmark study shattered the argument that animal studies are not applicable to humans.

The carcinogenic effects of RF radiation observed in these animals are directly relevant to human health, yet the regulatory bodies that should be protecting the public continue to ignore this mounting evidence.

Human Studies Echo Animal Research: A Dangerous Reality

It’s not just animal studies that are sounding the alarm. Human studies have provided epidemiological evidence that long-term RF radiation exposure can lead to cancer. The Interphone Study—the largest case-control study on cell phone use and brain tumors, involving 13 countries—found that heavy cell phone users had a significantly increased risk of glioma, particularly on the side of the head where the phone was held.

Dr. Lennart Hardell’s work has been equally groundbreaking. His research consistently shows that long-term use of cell phones and cordless phones is linked to an increased risk of gliomas and acoustic neuromas. Despite the overwhelming evidence, regulatory bodies continue to cling to outdated safety guidelines established in the 1990s—guidelines that only consider the thermal effects of RF radiation, ignoring the mounting evidence of non-thermal biological impacts.

A Consensus Ignored: Why Public Health Is Being Sacrificed

These studies are not isolated incidents. They are part of a growing body of research demonstrating that RF radiation is not just harmless noise in our environment. Researchers like Dr. Lennart Hardell have consistently found associations between long-term cell phone use and brain tumors, particularly gliomas and acoustic neuromas. Hardell’s work, combined with studies like the NTP and RI, has been instrumental in showing that the non-thermal biological effects of RF radiation are real and dangerous.

In 2012, the BioInitiative Report—a comprehensive review by an international group of scientists—summarized over 1,800 studies showing serious health risks from RF radiation, including cancer, neurological disorders, and reproductive issues. The report called for immediate action to update safety standards, but its findings were met with silence from regulators.

 A Vote for Kamala Harris Is a Vote for Brain Cancer

Kamala Harris’s political career is intertwined with an administration that has neglected public health in favor of corporate profits. By allowing outdated RF radiation safety standards to persist, her administration has left millions of Americans at risk. Cancer rates are rising. Neurological disorders are becoming more common. And the science shows that RF radiation is likely contributing to these trends.

Your vote is not just about political preference. It’s about ensuring the health and safety of your family and future generations. Voting for a candidate who supports the status quo on RF radiation could have dire consequences for public health. It’s time to hold our leaders accountable and demand that public health takes precedence over corporate interests.

The Outdated Thermal Hypothesis

For years, the prevailing assumption has been that RF radiation can only cause harm through thermal effects—by heating tissues to a point where damage occurs. This “thermal hypothesis” suggests that if exposure levels are kept below thresholds that cause significant heating, then no adverse health effects will ensue. While this made sense based on early research, it fails to account for a growing body of evidence demonstrating non-thermal biological effects.

Decades of Research Indicate Non-Thermal Effects

Over 30 Years of Scientific Studies

Over the past three decades, more than 2,500 studies have investigated the effects of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) on biological systems. Researchers like Dr. Henry Lai, Professor Emeritus at the University of Washington, have contributed significantly to this field. Their findings challenge the thermal-only view, showing that EMFs can induce biological changes at exposure levels well below those that cause heating.

Key Findings

  • Oxidative Stress: Approximately 89% of studies since 1997 reported significant oxidative effects from RF radiation exposure. Oxidative stress can lead to cellular damage and is linked to various diseases.
  • Genetic Effects: Around 70% of studies observed genetic alterations, including DNA damage and changes in gene expression, which could have long-term health implications.
  • Neurological Effects: About 77% of research found significant impacts on neurological function, raising concerns about cognitive and behavioral changes.
  • Reproductive Effects: Approximately 83% of studies reported effects on reproduction and development, suggesting potential risks to fertility and fetal development.

Medical Advancements Highlight Non-Thermal Effects

Innovative Cancer Treatments

Recent advancements in medical science have harnessed non-thermal effects of RF radiation for therapeutic purposes. Treatments like TheraBionic use specific radio frequencies to target cancer cells without relying on heat. These therapies work by interfering with cellular signaling pathways, leading to cancer cell death while sparing healthy tissue.

Implications for Safety Guidelines

If medical treatments can utilize non-thermal RF radiation to produce biological effects, it stands to reason that similar exposures in everyday life could also have unintended consequences. This challenges the notion that only thermal effects are relevant for safety considerations.

The Absurdity of Ignoring Non-Thermal Effects

An Outdated Perspective in a Modern World

Clinging to the thermal-only hypothesis in light of overwhelming evidence is akin to denying well-established scientific facts. With the proliferation of wireless technologies—smartphones, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth devices—the public is exposed to RF radiation more than ever before. Ignoring non-thermal effects under these circumstances is not just outdated; it’s irresponsible.

The Precautionary Principle

The precautionary principle suggests that in the face of scientific uncertainty and potential risks, protective measures should be taken to prevent harm. Given the significant evidence of non-thermal biological effects, it’s prudent to reevaluate safety guidelines to protect public health.

Understanding the Mechanisms of Non-Thermal Effects

How EMFs Interact with Biological Systems

Non-thermal effects occur without a significant rise in temperature. Proposed mechanisms include:

  • Cellular Signaling Disruption: EMFs may interfere with the communication between cells, altering normal biological functions.
  • Voltage-Gated Calcium Channels Activation: EMFs can affect these channels in cell membranes, leading to an influx of calcium ions and subsequent cellular changes.
  • Oxidative Stress Induction: EMFs may increase the production of reactive oxygen species, leading to cellular damage.

Cumulative and Individual Variability

  • Cumulative Exposure: Prolonged or repeated exposure to low levels of RF radiation might lead to cumulative biological effects over time.
  • Individual Sensitivity: Genetic factors, age, and health conditions can influence how individuals respond to EMF exposure, with some people being more susceptible than others.

Taking Action: Protecting Yourself and Others

Personal Precautions

  1. Limit Exposure:
    • Use speakerphone or wired headsets to keep the phone away from your head.
    • Text instead of calling when possible.
  2. Avoid Body Contact:
    • Do not carry your phone in pockets close to your body.
    • Use a bag or purse to carry your phone.
  3. Turn Off Wireless Functions:
    • Disable Wi-Fi and Bluetooth when not in use.
    • Use airplane mode when you don’t need connectivity.
  4. Protect Children:
    • Limit children’s use of cell phones and wireless devices.
    • Educate them about safe usage practices.

Advocacy and Education

  • Stay Informed: Keep up with the latest research from reputable sources.
  • Share Information: Discuss concerns with friends and family to raise awareness.
  • Engage with Policymakers: Contact representatives to express the need for updated safety guidelines.
  • Support Research: Advocate for independent studies on RF radiation and health effects.
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