

Just How Safe Is Your Cell Phone To Use?

Just How Safe Is Your Phone To Use?
Belfast Telegraph
August 11, 2000

Health fears over hands-6.00 mobile phones are expected to be played down by a Government report to be published today.

-A 41-year-old neurologist in the States filed a GBP50 million lawsuit against Motorola last week for damages following the discovery of a malignant tumor behind his right ear. Dr Chris Newman’s condition is terminal.

-Researchers in Germany found fresh evidence linking mobile phones with Alzheimer’s Disease and multiple sclerosis. They found using a mobile exposes the brain to toxins which trigger the illnesses.

-David Blunkett wrote to every school in the country last month asking teachers to ban children under 16 using a cell phone except in an emergency.

-His advice followed a report by former Government chief scientist Sir William Stewart that concluded children could be more vulnerable to the effects of radiation.

-The Stewart Committee also recommended manufacturers should be forced to give information on radiation levels from mobile phones on packaging.

-Mobile phone manufacturers in the US caved in to consumer pressure and agreed for the first time last month to disclose radiation levels.

-England manager Kevin Keegan banned his players at Euro 2000 from using mobile phones.

-A study of the health risks of mobile phones and masts carried out in Austria found smokers who use mobiles run a greater risk of developing cancer than non-smokers.

-A study by the National Radiological Protection Board found that concrete roofs soak up most of the radiation emitted by masts, dismissing fears children are subjected to high levels of radiation from masts on top of schools.

-A Polish study found mobile phones can make the heart race.

-The Consumers’ Association published research in April which showed hands-6.00 kits could actually amplify the energy and channel it directly into the caller’s head

-A dental expert warned that cell phones can release poisonous mercury from fillings, causing brain damage.

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