

Petition obama administration to remove FCC chairman Tom Wheeler

Remove Tom Wheeler as FCC Chairman

Before he became Chairman of the FCC, Tom Wheeler was a lobbyist for the cable and wireless industry, which the FCC is supposed to regulate. Not only is this a conflict of interest, Wheeler has repeatedly demonstrated that he is not working for the good of the American people.

Twice the FCC has sued internet providers over Net Neutrality issues and lost because the companies they sued were classified under Title I of the Telecommunications Act (as of 2002), and therefore cannot be regulated with regards to Net Neutrality.

Reclassifying ISPs under Title II would allow the FCC to enforce Net Neutrality rules, and in both court cases, judges recommended this course of action. The paperwork is simple, but Tom Wheeler bloviates around the issue. He is clearly corrupt, and must be eliminated.


More on MUST READ info on Tom Wheeler

FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler Confronted Over Cell Phone Radiation In Silicon Valley

Activists in California confronted Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman Tom Wheeler at a speech in Silicon Valley this week to bring up the link between cancer and cell phones. Several activists can be heard interrupting Wheeler throughout his speech, asking

Tom Wheeler, new chairman of the F.C.C. suppressed research on the health effects of cell phone radiation

President Barack Obama put a “Wolf in sheep’s clothing” when he appointed the former chief lobbyist for the wireless industry to chairman of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), which regulates the safety of wireless devices. UPDATE: Video shows a growing

FCC is led by a former lobbyist; the lobbyists are led by former FCC leaders.

This really explains why there is a growing dissonance among communities about the government’s lack of action to protect the American people from wireless radiation. This was clearly seen in January 2014 when FCC chairman Tom Wheeler was in Silicon

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