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Invisible Threat Revealed In Book Electromagnetic Fields of Wireless Communications:

EMFs in Wireless Communications Now In Question!

The book Electromagnetic Fields of Wireless Communications: Biological and Health Effects, edited by Dimitris J. Panagopoulos, serves as a vital compendium on the biological and health ramifications of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) emanating from wireless communication technologies. This blog post delves into the critical insights and findings presented in the book, structured around its key chapters.

Introduction: A New Era of Understanding

The introduction by Dimitris J. Panagopoulos sets the stage, highlighting the book’s exploration into the complex interactions between EMFs and biological systems. It underscores the urgent need to reassess our understanding of EMF exposure, beyond the traditional thermal effects, to include the nuanced biological impacts at the cellular and systemic levels.

Physical Properties of Wireless Communication EMFs

  • Defining EMFs: The initial chapters provide a foundational understanding of wireless communication EMFs, emphasizing their distinct properties, such as polarization and modulation, which differentiate them from natural EMFs. These characteristics are crucial for understanding how man-made EMFs interact with biological matter.

Biological and Health Effects

  • Public Health Implications: Anthony B. Miller’s contribution discusses the broader public health implications of EMF exposure, linking it to various health conditions and advocating for more protective exposure guidelines.
  • Oxidative Stress: Igor Yakymenko and Oleksandr Tsybulin examine how wireless EMFs induce oxidative stress, a precursor to numerous pathological conditions including cancer and neurodegenerative diseases.
  • Genotoxic Effects: Ganesh Chandra Jagetia delves into the DNA and chromosome damage caused by EMF exposure, highlighting the potential for long-term genetic mutations.
  • Reproductive Biology: The impacts on human reproductive biology are explored, revealing significant effects on fertility and development due to EMF exposure.
  • Brain Activity: Haitham S. Mohammed presents findings on how EMFs affect brain activity, implicating potential alterations in cognitive functions and behavior.
  • Electro-hypersensitivity: A review by Dominique Belpomme and Philippe Irigaray on electro-hypersensitivity frames it as a global, man-made pathology, necessitating recognition and further research.
  • Carcinogenic Effects: The carcinogenic potential of non-thermal EMF exposure is scrutinized, with studies indicating a clear risk of cancer from prolonged exposure.

Effects on Wildlife and Environment

  • Wildlife Impact: Alfonso Balmori’s chapter sheds light on the often-overlooked effects of EMFs on wildlife, demonstrating changes in behavior, reproduction, and mortality rates among various species.

Biophysical and Biochemical Mechanisms of Action

  • Mechanisms of Impact: The final sections provide a deep dive into the biophysical and biochemical mechanisms through which EMFs exert their effects, offering a scientific basis for observed biological impacts. This includes the dysfunction of voltage-gated ion channels and the induction of oxidative stress and DNA damage, linking the physical properties of EMFs directly to their biological outcomes.

Conclusion: A Call to Action

Electromagnetic Fields of Wireless Communications not only compiles an extensive body of research on the effects of EMFs but also serves as a clarion call for the adoption of biologically-based exposure limits. It emphasizes the importance of continuing research in this field, especially in light of emerging technologies such as 5G, and the need for public health policies that protect individuals from potential harm.


A. Physical properties of Wireless Communication Electromagnetic Fields

Chapter 1: Defining Wireless Communication (WC) Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs): A. Polarization is a principal property of all man-made EMFs. B. Modulation, Pulsation, and Variability are inherent parameters of WC EMFs. C. Most man-made EMF-exposures are Non-Thermal. D. Measuring incident EMFs is more relevant than SAR. E. All man-made EMFs emit continuous waves, not photons. F. Differences from natural EMFs. Interaction with matter Panagopoulos DJ, Karabarbounis A, and Lioliousis C

B. Biological and Health effects of Wireless Communication Electromagnetic Fields

Chapter 2: Public Health implications of exposure to Wireless Communication Electromagnetic Fields
Miller AB

Chapter 3: Oxidative Stress induced by Wireless Communication Electromagnetic Fields
Yakymenko I, and Tsybulin O

Chapter 4: Genotoxic Effects of Wireless Communication Electromagnetic Fields
Jagetia GC

Chapter 5: DNA and Chromosome Damage in human and animal cells, induced by Mobile Telephony EMFs and other stressors
Panagopoulos DJ

Chapter 6: The impacts of Wireless Communication Electromagnetic Fields on human reproductive biology
Miller K, Harrison K, Martin JH, Nixon B, and De Iuliis GN

Chapter 7: Effects of Wireless Communication Electromagnetic Fields on human and animal brain activity
Mohammed HS

Chapter 8: Electrohypersensitivity as a worldwide man-made electromagnetic pathology: a review of the medical evidence
Belpomme D, Irigaray P

Chapter 9: Carcinogenic effects of non-thermal exposure to Wireless Communication Electromagnetic Fields
Yakymenko I, and Tsybulin O

C. Effects on Wild Life and Environment

Chapter 10: Effects of man-made and especially Wireless Communication Electromagnetic Fields on Wild Life
Balmori A

D. Biophysical and Biochemical Mechanisms of action

Chapter 11: Mechanism of Ion Forced-Oscillation and Voltage-Gated Ion Channel Dysfunction by Polarized and Coherent Electromagnetic Fields
Panagopoulos DJ

Chapter 12: Electromagnetic Field-induced dysfunction of Voltage-Gated Ion Channels, Oxidative Stress, DNA damage and related pathologies Panagopoulos DJ, Yakymenko I, and Chrousos GP


This book reflects contributions from experts in biological and health effects of Radio Frequency (RF)/Microwave and Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs) used in wireless communications (WC) and other technological applications. Diverse topics related to physics, biology, pathology, epidemiology, and plausible biophysical and biochemical mechanisms of WC EMFs emitted by antennas and devices are included. Discussions on the possible consequences of fifth generation (5G) mobile telephony (MT) EMFs based on available data and  correlation between anthropogenic EMF exposures and various pathological conditions such as infertility, cancer, electro-hypersensitivity, organic and viral diseases, and effects on animals, plants, trees, and environment are included. It further illustrates individual and public health protection and the setting of biologically- and epidemiologically-based exposure limits.



  • Covers biological and health effects, including oxidative stress, DNA damage, reproductive effects of mobile phones/antennas (2G, 3G, 4G), cordless phones, Wi-Fi, etc.
  • Describes effects induced by real-life exposures by commercially available devices/antennas.
  • Illustrates biophysical and biochemical mechanisms that fill the gap between recorded experimental and epidemiological findings and their explanations.
  • Explores experimental and epidemiological facts and mechanisms of action. Provides explanations and protection tips.
  • Transcends across physical, biological, chemical, health, epidemiological, and environmental aspects of the topic.


This book is aimed at senior undergraduate/graduate students in physics, biology, medicine, bioelectromagnetics, electromagnetic biology, non-ionizing radiation biophysics, telecommunications, electromagnetism, bioengineering, and dosimetry.

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