

The FCC guidelines for “SAR Levels” are the biggest scam of all!

RF Safe was the first organization in the world to publicly state that the FCC SAR guidelines are a worthless standard for protecting cell phone users from microwave radiation and providing a solution for RFR mitigation where guidelines fail.

The below text was copied from the internet archive from over two decades ago (May 3, 2003) on!

“No” SAR (specific absorption rate) rating can be called safe! To do so is bad science, bad judgment and recklessly endangering lives!

SAR tests allow an industry to set theoretically acceptable human body radiation absorption simulations. SAR tests only measure temperature (thermal) increases, rather than a cell phone’s actual microwave radiation emissions that a user is exposed to.

To date, the effects of cell phone radiation on cells and biological mechanisms in the body are being debated worldwide, as are the SAR standards themselves. More and more proof is piling up, proving EMF’s very dangerous far below levels of heating (Non-Thermal Effects) that are measured in SAR testing! Many organizations now insist SAR is inadequate for imposing Safety Guidelines!

View health effects found relevant to SAR levels absorbed! Click Here

Editors Note:
The thermal and non-thermal dividing line currently used as the basis for safety standards of radio frequency radiation exposures (SAR) is no more than a red herring,” distraction from the publics understanding of the actual health effects of microwave radiofrequency radiation and therefore our ability to protect the public.. It increasingly appears invalid to distinguish ionizing from 
non-ionizing radiation with respect to their health effects. 

Bottom line… Cell phone radiation is not safe for everyone! We honestly don’t know who will be affected by the cell phone’s microwave RF Radiation exposure because everyone’s DNA is different, but we do know some people are affected even today!! Just as some people can die from bee stings and some don’t. We just don’t know if you’ll be safe using a cell phone and neither does anyone else… including the FCC, FDA, the cell phone manufacturers, and all the “so-called experts”!

After all, how many other products have we been told were “safe” by Industries and government alike, that later turned out to be toxic, dangerous… even fatal?

Will cell phones join these killers on the “Gee, we thought it was safe” list? We’d say so, furthermore, no one can prove to RF Safe that they are not one of the largest newly growing health threats we face today! It may take years, even decades, before all of the research has been accumulated and the truth becomes known.

Is the clock ticking for cell phone users? It may well be your clock ticking. Please… don’t allow yourself to become a statistic!

Do your best to stay up-to-date on the wireless EMF hazards we face today!

PLEASE Be RF Safe To Be Sure!

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