

RF Safe’s Site Prayer

The Power Of Prayer
“In God We Trust”

Site Prayer

To open our minds to the understanding of how EMF’s affect life and how these hazards can be controlled

Luke 11:9
“And I tell you, ask and you will receive; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you”

“Ask and you shall receive.”

Well, if this method can work to get advanced technical information – let’s all sincerely try it. After all, where do our ideas come from in the first place? Electromagnetic (EM) discoveries by Tesla, Edison and Einstein are reported to have made their respective amazing discoveries while ‘daydreaming’ – not actually thinking!

Prayer is for those that would like to seek and receive higher technical knowledge from higher sources, regardless of religious views. Prayer methods seem to be very important, as many inventors including myself claim to have received their ideas directly from “divine guidance”!


If there is no initial interest – then there will be no truthful investigations. If there is no investigation, there will be no research to replicate. Your interest will spark the urge to replicate and prove the need for EMF/RF Safety!  If there is interest, research, and replication, then facts must be published and with integrity no matter how many people with billions want to stop it!

When there are witnesses to the results of EMF hazards which results were repeated and are repeatable, then we feel the fault and blame lies with the Wireless Industry ,Critics, Media Reporters and Government and not with the researchers, that the public is not informed on these very real health hazards concerning EM Fields to life on our planet!

Founder of RF Safe – John Coates 12/26/2000

Please visit our tribute site for the victims of war and terror at Tributes, Prayers and Condolences – Online Since 9/2001

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