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Beyond Stability: Embracing Transient Dynamics in Biological Computation Models

Biological computations limitations of attractor-based formalisms and the need for transients This report examines the contrasting roles of attractor-based models and transient dynamic models in understanding biological computations. Through a comparison of these computational frameworks, we assess their efficacy in explaining the complex, dynamic behaviors observed in biological systems ranging from single cells to neural […]

Mailbag: A couple questions from folks.

Is it best to have your WiFi on all day even if your phone works without it? In certain conditions, choosing WiFi calling over the cellular option can significantly reduce EMF exposure. Mobile phones adjust their power output based on the signal strength from the nearest cell tower, varying the output by up to a […]

Introducing Mortal Computation: Bridging Biology and Technology

In an era where the boundaries between the biological and the digital continue to blur, a new computational philosophy emerges from the collaborative work of Alex Ria and Carl, dubbed “Mortal Computation.” This groundbreaking thesis proposes a radical shift in how we perceive and construct computational systems, drawing inspiration from the very essence of life […]

Did EMFs Cause A Quadrupling In Rates Of Autism Since 2000?

We have polluted our natural EM environment with man-made EMFs disrupting natural morphogenesis of the brain – RF Safe’s Founder, John Coates This graph displays the identified prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) per 1,000 children in the U.S., based on data from the Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network via CDC. It shows a […]

Mapping of Bioelectric Signatures: Bioelectric Memory and Field Potentials Encoded in the Universe

The paper “The brain is not mental! coupling neuronal and immune cellular processing in human organisms” by Anna Ciaunica, Evgeniya V. Shmeleva, and Michael Levin contributes significantly to the field of bioelectric science, building upon and supporting the pioneering work of Harold Saxton Burr and others. This contribution is evident in several key areas: Bioelectric […]

60 Minutes Interviews ‘Havana Syndrome’ Victims That Study Says Don’t Exist

Before two reported health attacks on U.S. officials and their families, sources say, a phone call was intercepted of a man asking in Russian, “Is it supposed to have blinking green lights?” and “Should I leave it on all night? A complex and deeply concerning narrative surrounding the reported anomalous health incidents (AHIs) affecting U.S. […]

Modeling Bioelectric Fields and EMF Interactions

 Bridging Particle Physics and Life’s Bioelectric Symphony In the quest to unravel the fundamental principles governing the natural world, researchers have delved into the intricacies of two seemingly distinct realms: the microcosmic domain of particle physics and the life-infused universe of bioelectric fields. At the heart of particle physics lies the study of the fundamental […]

What is Unnatural EMF Radiation Changing You Into?

  It is time to recognize ambient EMF as a novel form of environmental pollution and develop rules at regulatory agencies that designate airspace as a ‘habitat’ so EMF can be regulated like other pollutants. Long-term chronic low-level EMF exposure standards, which do not now exist, should be set accordingly and environmental laws should be […]

Nonlinear Bio-responses: electromagnetic radiation and biological systems

This comprehensive review titled “Interactions between electromagnetic radiation and biological systems” presents an extensive exploration into the multifaceted impacts of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) across various biological systems. The review critically examines the consensus, controversies, limitations, and unresolved issues surrounding the bioeffects of EMR, highlighting the need for further research in understanding these complex interactions. Key […]

Smartphone Use on Thyroid Function in Medical Students and Cancer in the Nordic Countries

The Link Between Mobile Phone Use, Radiofrequency Radiation, and Thyroid Health In recent years, a growing body of research has highlighted the potential health risks associated with mobile phone use, particularly the effects of radiofrequency radiation (RFR) on the thyroid gland. The thyroid, a small gland located in the neck, plays a crucial role in […]

Biophoton Emissions Reveal New Insights into Fertility

The paper titled “Exploring Intercellular Dynamics: Ultra-Weak Biophoton Emission as a Novel Indicator of Altered Cell Functions and Disease in Oligospermia Mice,” View of Exploring Intercellular Dynamics_ Ultra-Weak Biophoton Emission as a Novel Indicator of Altered Cell Functions and Disease in Oligospermia Mice:   This study investigates the potential of ultra-weak biophoton emission as a […]

Michael Levin’s Perspective on EMFs and Bioelectricity

Michael Levin has focused on the intrinsic bioelectric processes that guide cellular and organismal development. His research underscores the role of bioelectricity in scaling biological functions from the cellular level to whole organisms. Levin acknowledges the pioneering work of scientists like Harold Saxton Burr and Robert Becker but expresses skepticism towards the emphasis on the […]

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