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RF Safe From Loss to Legacy: Championing EMF Safety in Memory of Angel Leigh Coates

My Commitment to RF Safe I attribute EMF to great personal loss and a profound impact on my life and actions. The tragic loss of my daughter, Angel Leigh Coates, to a neural tube defect (NTD) has propelled me into a significant and impactful journey of research, advocacy, and innovation in the realm of electromagnetic […]

Exploring Bioelectricity in the Universe’s Computational Framework

This approach encourages the exploration of bioelectricity as a component of the universe’s computational power. Bioelectric signals, which are integral to the operation and communication within living organisms, can be seen as part of a vast, complex computational system that governs life itself. These signals, from the firing of neurons in our brains to the […]

Bioelectricity: Leveraging weak electric fields safe for humans in antimicrobial applications

The document titled “Electroceutical Management of Bacterial Biofilms” explores the significant role bioelectrical factors play in the interactions between microbes and hosts within the host-microbe microenvironment. It discusses the influence of bioelectricity on microbial behaviors such as adhesion, community building, communication, and biofilm formation. The review highlights how electrical signals generated by ion currents across […]

Cell Phone Radiation and Youth Awareness at James Madison High School TX

In the wake of a significant student walkout at James Madison High School, a deeper conversation about cell phone use and its implications is necessary. The protest, sparked by a new cell phone hand-in policy, underscores not just a demand for personal freedom but also a critical safety concern that extends beyond school walls. This […]

Nearly a quarter of six-year-olds now possess their own smartphones.

Ensuring Our Children’s Safety In an era where digital devices are becoming as common in children’s hands as toys, a recent study reveals that nearly a quarter of six-year-olds are navigating the world through their own smartphones. This startling statistic not only raises questions about digital literacy and online safety but also casts a shadow […]

University Duisburg-Essen on 5G millimeter waves and the interaction with human skin.

The detailed analysis of the reflection, transmission behavior, and dosimetric properties of radio waves interacting with skin layers, as presented in the FSM Research Project “MicroBioEM” final report, elucidates several critical findings pertinent to the investigation of electromagnetic (EM) wave effects on human skin: Reflection and Transmission Behavior: It was identified that the cell types […]

Head and neck tumors associated with cell phone use have increased in the U.S. since 2000

Brain Tumor Rates Are Rising in the USA: The Role of Cell Phone & Cordless Phone Radiation Whereas the size of the population in the U.S. increased 16% between 2000 and 2019, the number of cases reported in the National Cancer Institute’s SEER 22 registry for these four tumors had a greater increase: a 53% increase for glioblastoma, 124% for non-malignant […]

Influence of magnetic fields on biological systems, particularly on human lymphocytes

An article published in the Review of Scientific Instruments in 2013. The authors present a portable device for magnetic stimulation and its effects on the survival and proliferation of human lymphocytes. The study investigates the influence of magnetic fields on biological systems, particularly on human lymphocytes. The key points from the provided text include: PDF […]

The Genesis Framework: Unifying Space, Time, Energy, and Mass through Geometric Encoding

The Genesis Framework: Prompted By John R Coates Jr I. Introduction For decades, theoretical physics has sought a comprehensive unified theory that can reconcile the principles of quantum mechanics with Einstein’s general theory of relativity. While tremendous progress has been made, a framework that fully integrates our understanding of the very small and the very […]

Unveiling Higher Dimensional Spaces and Bioelectric Memory through Groundbreaking Research

Bioelectric Memory PDF Introduction In the quest to understand the complexities of life and the universe, groundbreaking research by Levin has opened new avenues in the study of bioelectric phenomena and their profound implications on biological regeneration. This research, coupled with innovative experimental proposals within the Genesis Framework, offers a glimpse into the potential manipulation […]

Harnessing the Genesis Framework: Shaping Future Technologies and Medicine

The Impact of Exogenous Environmental EMF on Universal Entropic Anomalies The influence of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) on biological systems has been a topic of scientific investigation and public concern, particularly considering the vast changes humanity has imposed on the Earth’s electromagnetic environment. In this final entry of our series on the Genesis Framework, we explore […]

Entropic Anomalies and the Ancient Origins of Our Existence

As we navigate through our daily lives, the grandeur of the cosmos quietly frames our existence. You are older than your last birthday, older than the founding of cities, older than the emergence of human civilizations. By mass, over 60% of your body is hydrogen—a primordial element that was formed in the first moments after […]

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