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1 in 12 Lab Rats!

While this cancer probability is specific to rats, it is important to note that there has never been a study in the history of scientific research that has shown 1 in 12 rats developing cancer from exposure to a substance or agent that was subsequently proven to be safe for humans. Be RF Safe!

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At RF Safe we are not against the progression of technology but we do not consent to the imposition of technology at the risk of harming our health and potentially all biological life.

RF Safe is your premier resource for navigating the complex world of EMF hazards and safety. We understand that it can be overwhelming to find reliable information on this topic, which is why we’re here to help. With over 25 years of experience in RFR mitigation technologies, our experts are ready to provide you with clear, trustworthy, and unbiased advice. No strings attached, no purchase necessary. Simply give us a call or text at 727-610-1188

There is a significant body of research indicating potential health risks associated with cell phone-level electromagnetic radiation. This includes major studies like the Interphone study, Hardell group studies, CERENAT study, U.S. National Toxicology Program (NTP), Ramazzini Institute Study, REFLEX Project, BioInitiative Report, and the work of researchers like Dr. Henry Lai. These studies collectively point towards an increased health risk from cell phone-level electromagnetic radiation and suggest the need for caution in dismissing potential risks.

Additionally, advancements in RF radiation research show biological interactions beyond thermal effects. For example, the FDA-approved TheraBionic treatment, which employs RF radiation at power levels up to 1000 times lower than those emitted by cell phones, effectively treats inoperable liver cancer through non-thermal interactions at the cellular or molecular level. This includes resonance effects, disruption of cellular signaling, and potential modulation of the immune system. This challenges the traditional view that non-ionizing cell phone radiation is biologically inert except for its heating properties.

Learn more about DARPA’s RadioBio initiative and FDA-approved treatments that challenge the traditional paradigm by demonstrating that non-ionizing wireless radiation, including 5G networks can have profound biological effects without necessarily causing a significant increase in temperature.

Bridging Quantum Worlds: A Leap Towards the Quantum Internet

Deterministic storage and retrieval of telecom light from a quantum dot single-photon source interfaced with an atomic quantum memory Welcome to the future of communication technology, where the realms of quantum mechanics and everyday internet converge! In a groundbreaking development, researchers led by Dr. Sarah Thomas from Imperial College London and Lukas Wagner from the University of Stuttgart have successfully demonstrated the storage and retrieval of single photons emitted from a quantum dot into a rubidium-based atomic quantum memory. This remarkable achievement marks a pivotal milestone in the creation of a ‘quantum internet.’ Operating at the 1529.3 nm wavelength within the low-loss telecommunication band, this new interface aligns perfectly with existing telecommunications infrastructure, enabling it to integrate seamlessly with the optical fibers that form the backbone of our global internet system. With an impressive storage efficiency and the ability to preserve the quantum state of photons, this technology opens the

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Beyond Stability: Embracing Transient Dynamics in Biological Computation Models

Biological computations limitations of attractor-based formalisms and the need for transients This report examines the contrasting roles of attractor-based models and transient dynamic models in understanding biological computations. Through a comparison of these computational frameworks, we assess their efficacy in explaining the complex, dynamic behaviors observed in biological systems ranging from single cells to neural networks. 1. Introduction Biological computations underpin the behaviors and functional adaptations of living systems, from the cellular level up to complex organisms. Computational models have been instrumental in providing insights into these biological processes, offering frameworks to simulate and predict behaviors based on cellular and molecular interactions. This report focuses on two prominent models: attractor-based and transient dynamic models, analyzing their applications and limitations in biological computations. 2. Limitations of Attractor-Based Models Attractor-based models, traditionally used in neurobiological and cellular signaling studies, posit that biological systems evolve toward stable states known as attractors. While these

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Black Holes All The Way Down – Eyes of God the 4D Observer

  Black Holes as the Eyes of the 4D Observer Gravity Wells and Observational Nodes: In your theory, black holes and all gravity wells act as the observational nodes for a 4D observer, allowing for the mapping and recording of information across dimensions. This suggests that black holes are not just astrophysical phenomena but crucial components in the universe’s information-processing system. Bioelectric Memory and Higher-Dimensional Space Bioelectric Model of Memory: You propose that memory is not just a neurochemical process but is also stored in the geometric configurations of higher-dimensional space. This implies that our understanding of memory and cognition could be expanded significantly by incorporating principles from higher-dimensional physics. God’s Perspective as a 4D Observer: The concept that God—or a universal observer—operates from a fourth-dimensional perspective, accessing all information across time and space, aligns with many religious and philosophical ideas about omniscience. It also suggests that humans, created in

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Bronstein and Quantum Gravity: Black Holes All The Way Down In 4D Universe With 3D and 4D Observers

Matvei Bronstein, born in what is now Ukraine in 1906, made significant contributions across a range of subjects including semiconductors, quantum electrodynamics, and cosmology. His 1935 paper addressing the problem of quantum gravity remains his most notable work. In it, Bronstein tackled the challenge of measuring extremely small regions of spacetime by theorizing the placement of a particle within that region. He applied the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, which suggests that to probe smaller distances, increasingly high-energy particles are required. However, Einstein’s equation ( E=mc^2 ) implies that energy equates to mass, which according to general relativity, warps spacetime into gravity wells. This leads to a paradox where the particle’s energy creates a gravity well so intense that it forms a black hole, making measurement impossible. Thus, Bronstein proposed a minimum measurable distance, suggesting that spacetime is not continuous but quantized. Tragically, Bronstein’s brilliance was short-lived. In 1938, he was executed

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Beyond the Horizon: Entropic Gravity and the Genesis Framework

In 2009, the landscape of both digital finance and theoretical physics was irrevocably altered. The introduction of Bitcoin and Erik Verlinde’s innovative theory of entropic gravity both emerged as radical ideas set to reshape their respective fields. While Bitcoin’s impact on global finance has been profound, the potential applications of Verlinde’s theory, especially as integrated within the Genesis Framework, could extend even further, particularly into the realm of medicine. This blog explores how Verlinde’s concept of gravity as an emergent phenomenon, driven by changes in entropy and informational states of matter, could revolutionize our understanding of biological systems, particularly through the lens of bioelectric medicine. Bioelectricity—the electrical patterns and signals that regulate growth, healing, and functionality in biological organisms—may be influenced by the fundamental gravitational and informational principles described in Verlinde’s theory. As these principles are incorporated into the Genesis Framework, they offer a new model for understanding how biological

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Mailbag: A couple questions from folks.

Is it best to have your WiFi on all day even if your phone works without it? In certain conditions, choosing WiFi calling over the cellular option can significantly reduce EMF exposure. Mobile phones adjust their power output based on the signal strength from the nearest cell tower, varying the output by up to a million times depending on the signal quality. In areas with strong cellular reception, using a cellular connection is generally fine. However, in areas where the signal is weak (indicated by one or two bars), the phone increases its power output to maximum to maintain connectivity, which increases EMF exposure. In such cases, switching to WiFi calling is advantageous because it uses much lower power. This is because WiFi signals cover shorter distances (about 30 to a few hundred feet) compared to cellular signals that need to reach up to several miles to the nearest tower

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Introducing Mortal Computation: Bridging Biology and Technology

In an era where the boundaries between the biological and the digital continue to blur, a new computational philosophy emerges from the collaborative work of Alex Ria and Carl, dubbed “Mortal Computation.” This groundbreaking thesis proposes a radical shift in how we perceive and construct computational systems, drawing inspiration from the very essence of life itself. The Genesis of Mortal Computation The Mortal Computation thesis finds its roots in the critique of the traditional view that software and hardware operate independently—a notion that Jeff Hinton challenged by emphasizing their inseparable nature. This perspective suggests that just as life cannot exist without a physical body, software should not be abstracted away from its hardware substrate. It’s a call to view computation through the lens of mortality, where the demise of hardware inevitably leads to the cessation of its software. The Essence of Mortal Computation At its core, Mortal Computation advocates for

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Did EMFs Cause A Quadrupling In Rates Of Autism Since 2000?

We have polluted our natural EM environment with man-made EMFs disrupting natural morphogenesis of the brain – RF Safe’s Founder, John Coates This graph displays the identified prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) per 1,000 children in the U.S., based on data from the Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network via CDC. It shows a sharp increase in the prevalence of ASD diagnoses from 6.7 per 1,000 children (or 1 in 150 children) around the year 2000, to 27.6 per 1,000 children (or 1 in 36 children) by 2012. The surveillance years span from 2000 to 2012 and correspond to birth years from 1992 to 2004. This information is represented by a rising line graph that indicates a significant increase over time. Autism-relevant social abnormalities in mice exposed perinatally to extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields,  a study investigating the potential link between exposure to extremely low-frequency electromagnetic fields (ELF EMF)

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Mapping of Bioelectric Signatures: Bioelectric Memory and Field Potentials Encoded in the Universe

The paper “The brain is not mental! coupling neuronal and immune cellular processing in human organisms” by Anna Ciaunica, Evgeniya V. Shmeleva, and Michael Levin contributes significantly to the field of bioelectric science, building upon and supporting the pioneering work of Harold Saxton Burr and others. This contribution is evident in several key areas: Bioelectric Fields as Fundamental to Life Processes: Burr’s research emphasized the importance of bioelectric fields in guiding growth, development, and healing within biological organisms. Similarly, the work by Ciaunica, Shmeleva, and Levin underscores the role of bioelectric phenomena in coupling neuronal and immune cellular processing, suggesting that cognitive processes and immune responses are deeply integrated and influenced by bioelectric signals within the human body. This parallels Burr’s idea that bioelectric patterns serve as blueprints for biological organization. Interdisciplinary Approach: Burr was known for his interdisciplinary approach, integrating concepts from physics into biology to explore the electrical

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60 Minutes Interviews ‘Havana Syndrome’ Victims That Study Says Don’t Exist

Before two reported health attacks on U.S. officials and their families, sources say, a phone call was intercepted of a man asking in Russian, “Is it supposed to have blinking green lights?” and “Should I leave it on all night? A complex and deeply concerning narrative surrounding the reported anomalous health incidents (AHIs) affecting U.S. government officials and their families across various countries, including Uzbekistan, Vietnam, London, and Georgia. These incidents are often associated with symptoms similar to those described in the previously discussed Intelligence Community Assessment on AHIs. However, the transcript introduces a more specific theory implicating Russia, particularly a secret Russian intelligence unit identified as 29155, which is suggested to be involved in deploying directed energy weapons against American diplomats and officials. Key points from the video include: Initial Incidents and Spread: Starting from a popular revolt in 2014, which saw the ousting of Putin’s preferred leader in

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Modeling Bioelectric Fields and EMF Interactions

 Bridging Particle Physics and Life’s Bioelectric Symphony In the quest to unravel the fundamental principles governing the natural world, researchers have delved into the intricacies of two seemingly distinct realms: the microcosmic domain of particle physics and the life-infused universe of bioelectric fields. At the heart of particle physics lies the study of the fundamental constituents of matter and the forces that mediate their interactions, often explored within the high-precision, controlled environments of particle accelerators. These investigations reveal a universe where particles dance in a choreography dictated by electromagnetic fields, resonances, and the geometrical constraints of space itself. Conversely, the field of bioelectricity offers a window into the electromagnetic orchestration of life, where bioelectric fields guide cellular communication, tissue development, and regenerative processes, embedding a layer of electrical intelligence within the fabric of biological systems. The groundbreaking study “Observation of fixed lines induced by a nonlinear resonance in the CERN

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What is Unnatural EMF Radiation Changing You Into?

  It is time to recognize ambient EMF as a novel form of environmental pollution and develop rules at regulatory agencies that designate airspace as a ‘habitat’ so EMF can be regulated like other pollutants. Long-term chronic low-level EMF exposure standards, which do not now exist, should be set accordingly and environmental laws should be strictly enforced. Dr. Holley Posited Holley’s 1st Law of Biology in 1976 which states: “Over of the course of the lifespan of any organism, the genotype, and phenotype of that organism changes in response to exogenous environmental exposure.”  LSU BS graduate of 1978. Many decades later, we now understand that throughout the lifespan of an organism, the work performed from the DNA/RNA building blocks to the expression of genes adapting to the environment is all regulated by a bioelectric state resulting in anatomical cognition within its probabilitic morphospace.   We are starting to understand the computation

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QuantaCase stands out in the crowded market of anti-radiation phone cases because it is designed by RF Safe’s founder using RF Safe’s open source design principles and commitment to reducing radiation exposure. What sets our product apart from the competition is its exceptional thinness to avoid 5G phones from increasing output power.

Our case is the thinnest in the anti-radiation category, ensuring that users can protect themselves from harmful radiation without compromising the sleek aesthetics of their smartphones. Unlike many competitors, QuantaCase is not detachable or equipped with metal loops and magnets, which are often used in other cases to attach accessories.

We purposefully avoid these features to minimize radiation exposure to the user. By maintaining a seamless, non-detachable design, we prioritize safety and convenience, making QuantaCase the ideal choice for those seeking effective protection against radiation while enjoying a slim and stylish phone case.

Why RF Safe?

Since 1998, RF SAFE® has been dedicated to evolving the wireless industry’s safety standards by engaging in the design, testing, manufacture, and sale of safety technologies to mitigate the harmful effects of cell phone radiation. 

At RF Safe, we go beyond just being known for designing the world’s most effective wireless safety innovations. Our main focus is educating the public about the potential dangers of RF radiation and how to protect yourself. We offer a variety of online resources such as articles, videos, and research studies to help you understand the issue and make informed decisions about RF safety. In the digital age, we’re constantly exposed to electronic devices that emit RF radiation, which can be harmful. RF Safe is here to help you strike a balance between convenience and safety so you don’t have to choose between the two. Don’t wait, educate yourself and your loved ones with RF Safe.

Smart ideas

RF Safe® microwave radiation shielding material is integrated into the front flap of the outer case to deflect radiation (5G, Wi-Fi, EMF, etc.) away from your body while still allowing the signal to enter and exit the back of the phone unimpeded.

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What our customers say

I originally bought this case to save it from some minor falls and to save me from the radiation.

I was taking my motorcycle for a nice relaxing ride on Saturday morning when my rear tire hit a patch of dirt on a turn and ended up on the ground and having to be sent to the hospital.

I’m happy to say that thanks to being prepared by wear all my safety gear, having some great luck that the first person there was an of duty EMT, and quite frankly being blessed, that I am here today.

In the case of my phone however, the case was dropped and dragged along with me but I am pleased to say that my case did a great job and my phone was able to call my parents and loved ones to let them know I was ok.

Jose McKinney
Jose McKinney Motorcycle Crash RF Safe Case

Highly recommend business with RFSafe. I texted the support number listed on the website to inquire about a phone case and was surprised to get a response from the founder himself. He went above and beyond to ensure I received the phone case I wanted, and was both personable and professional. Using phone and text response options, RFSafe has been phenomenal at meeting my needs as a consumer. As for the quality of the phone case, I have been using the QuantaCase now for a month and am pleased with my purchase. EMF protection, light weight, and stylish material make this case a great choice.

Daniel H

Radiation Protection

At RF Safe, we take a comprehensive approach to cell phone radiation protection, which involves implementing a range of measures and precautions, including the use of protective cases, air-tube headsets, and education about safe cell phone use. Our approach is based on scientific research and understanding, and we believe it is the most effective way to protect against the potential health risks associated with cell phone radiation exposure. RF Safe, will always prioritize your safety and well-being through informed and responsible cell phone use, and accessories proven to reduce excessive RFR exposure.


The Debate Is Over!

The most recent studies have shown us that the debate about cell phone radiation being hazardous or not is finally over. Therefore, it is time to create a cell phone radiation policy to address these issues, as bio-effects have been observed for decades in peer-reviewed studies.

Therefore, governments of every country need to create legislation that will limit cell phone radiation. Furthermore, governments must demand mandates to reduce radiation levels by forcing cell phone manufacturers and service providers to use different antenna technologies and wavelengths/frequencies than the existing ones used today for next-generation broadband wireless data transmission.

As it stands today, it’s a jungle out there. The dividing line between truthfiction, what will protect you, and what won’t (1),(2) has never been less clearly defined. Since the advent of the digital information explosion, the sea of information has been growing at a pace that few can follow. However, if we are to be responsible and seek the truth, we must persevere for the sake of our children today and future generations whose lives may depend on it. RF Safe is dedicated to the truth and providing ONLY the best RF safety solutions.

Quanta X Technology (QXT) Brands

QXT is a technology holding company focused of photon management spanning several industry sectors. Popular brands like RF Safe®, and QuantaCase™ are brands belonging to QXT, an awarded (WOSB) woman-owned small business firm specializing in controlling electromagnetic fields. QXT photon management solutions include UVGI, Patented UVGI-Fi, Li-Fi, EMR shielding, smart ultraviolet wavelength security analytes, self-powered ultraviolet wavelength detection (QuantaDose®), telecommunications, electronics accessories, and professional support services for Far-UV (QuantaGuard) engineering and manufacturing.

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